Phase 4 (Eye Phase) Guide:
Video Reference Example (Update):
Note: For enumeration examples, it is best to make your tanks adjust since they also need to pick up tethers asap. They cannot stay behind the clones to bait.
Link 2:
Link 3:
00:00 Intro
00:32 Numbers & Tower Explanation
01:04 Arrow Debuff Explanation
02:29 Stack Aoe Explanation
03:01 Clones Bait Explanation
03:20 #1 LC Tower
04:42 #1 LC Tower Video
07:07 #2 LC Tower
07:50 #2 LC Tower Video
08:46 #3 LC Tower
09:40 #3 LC Tower Video
11:25 Stack Aoe Timing
11:40 Stack #1
11:57 Stack #2
12:08 Correct #3 LC Tower Bait Timing
13:16 Mech Explanation
14:20 Enumeration Explanation
15:56 Enumeration Example #1
16:37 Enumeration Example #2
17:18 Enumeration Example #3
17:58 Enumeration Tethers
I hope this was helpful!
#dragonsong #ultimate #guide
Great work as always.
Cheat sheet isnt working @HATSUKA?
Great Video mate. Will you also be uploading some vods of u doing the fight as SAM? . Or a rotation tips video for the phases?
Would be nice if in future guides you included a clip of the full mechanic playing at normal speed and without any pauses so we can get used to the timing of everything
You're awesome, thanks for this!
This reminds me at the original fake Cape Westwind guide on reddit to fool generations of gamers. Particularly new streamers, good times, awesome fun.
Only this shit is real. And even more amazing. Really really good job!
I have a question about your 'Enumeration Example #2', won't you have a problem if you have the tanks & healers' stay on pre-determined positions and have the DPS adjust ? Isn't it better to do the opposite and have the tanks & healers adjust so the DPS can reliably bait the line aoes ?
I mean your NW tower only needs 1 player in it, which is a tank in this configuration, but the tank has to move as soon as his tower's done to grab the TB tether from either a random clone or the boss, which means the clone that just spawned on the NW position will shoot his line aoe at a random direction instead of getting baited out no ?
EDIT: I don't mean to be an asshole and I apologize if I appear that way, I'm genuinely wondering how I and my static should deal with this situation if it happens.
For enumeration examples, it is best to make your tanks adjust since they also need to pick up tethers asap. They cannot stay behind the clones to bait.
đ ty
10 minutes in and all Ive taken away is that the gunbreaker has great taste
I wish you would reupload this without this annoying background music or at least lowered the volume of it, its driving me nuts cos its such a short and repetitive melody…
Educational, thanks a lot for this đ Love the combined text+images+voice+video demonstration explainations
I totally love this guide.. makes me even more wishing to jump in right away! Great work (as always) :DD đ
There aren't many guides on this phase, so thanks
How hard do the tethers hit (how much tank mit is usually needed)?
Subbed comment and liked. Automatic after the ff 10 music. Really liked your explanation. This is going to help my derpy ass
Great video, thank you.