Well this is an interesting timeline the minstrel is imagining. So with Haurchefant alive, it seems there was no drastic need to chase the archbishop to Azys Lla. So he and his knights arrived unpursued, and upon discovering the Allagan secrets of binding Eikons and dragons via the Warring Triad, they had the tools to ensure Ishgardian victory in the war. The Archbishop becomes a God-King through the eye of Nidhogg laid with Haldrath, and with their new Allagan knowledge and weaponry, they take the war to Dravania. They decimate their enemy with no resistance, enslave the dragons and bid them to their will, and even capture Hraesvelgr and Nidhogg through an Allagan neurolink collar. What a thrilling reprise this is.
yeah I feel you, everyone that keep saying "easy ultimate there is a checkpoint" Should try doing this in blind way, there's always a reason YoshiP add a checkpoint there so just wait and let's see
A knight lives to serve, and would gladly die for their country and countryment. A hero lives to save, and accepts nothing less than to see all whom they love greet the beautiful new day.
Today is the day that a group did what we all wanted to do all those years ago.
Today is the day that Haurchefant is saved
Well this is an interesting timeline the minstrel is imagining. So with Haurchefant alive, it seems there was no drastic need to chase the archbishop to Azys Lla. So he and his knights arrived unpursued, and upon discovering the Allagan secrets of binding Eikons and dragons via the Warring Triad, they had the tools to ensure Ishgardian victory in the war. The Archbishop becomes a God-King through the eye of Nidhogg laid with Haldrath, and with their new Allagan knowledge and weaponry, they take the war to Dravania. They decimate their enemy with no resistance, enslave the dragons and bid them to their will, and even capture Hraesvelgr and Nidhogg through an Allagan neurolink collar. What a thrilling reprise this is.
twista twista twista twista twista twista
also its the location is where ratatoskr was killed by thordan long before HW
Wish we could save Ysayle too
No checkpoint !!!!
yeah I feel you, everyone that keep saying "easy ultimate there is a checkpoint"
Should try doing this in blind way, there's always a reason YoshiP add a checkpoint there so just wait and let's see
A knight lives to serve, and would gladly die for their country and countryment. A hero lives to save, and accepts nothing less than to see all whom they love greet the beautiful new day.