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#ffxiv #shorts #finalfantasy
This video is brought to you by the Nasty Namazus of Adamantoise. We thank you for your time and hope that we brought some level of entertainment to anyone watching.
#ffxiv #shorts #finalfantasy
Oh that's terrifying.
Really cool all the nice stuff you are bringing from XIV. Keep the good work!
yes, yes we know. potd is old af
I did not know this and I've been playing since 2015!
yea I F know F lost Because of this
Same with Otter trap in HoH.
These are really stupid.
Wow that is nice. I just haven’t played XIV in 2 months I just don’t have the time anymore
Found this out the hard way
Also – another frog trap undoes the frog transformation
I have been playing this game for YEARS and I never knew this.
From Theran to Tharin, howdy
luckily i knew this one already :3 i died far too often on that <3
Never saw this mentioned but if you are a frog and trigger a frog trap it unfrogs you
Did you know that green slimes can explode and kill everyone in the same room if not killed ASAP? Only happens in POTD (palace of the dead for short)
still mad you cant use /blowkiss on a party member to un-frog them
Trying to stay relevant with a common knowledgeable thing
I actually did know this because I did it before xD Ever since, I stay far away from those snakes! :3
a nice tip, ty!
Ugh…this game.
I feel like as a Necromancer I should have known this
Apparently frogs make pretty solid tanks too.
Just to add more salt into my festering raging wounds next time I try to solo this. Thanks square Enix I really appreciate the love.
thats not a hidden interaction thats just an obvious mechanic of the game. Its used in 24 man raid and probably other places
Yup, found that out the fun way..

Was I reaction
Yuh, very many times if you turn into a frog there are usually snakes nearby that eat you