FFXIV Dawntrail: Pray Return To Fight Cyberpunk Chaos

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Breaking down the FFXIV Dawntrail Launch Trailer, shown during the FF14 82nd Producer Live Letter (PLL).

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00:00 Trailer Reactions
4:07 Analysis of Key Scenes


35 thoughts on “FFXIV Dawntrail: Pray Return To Fight Cyberpunk Chaos”

  1. I wonder if the words of the "Enigmatic Maiden" at the end reference the possibility of time travel? "Could you have held fast […] without sacrifice"? Maybe we will go back in time to prevent a disaster? I feel our summer vacation may go to some crazy places πŸ˜„

  2. i don’t really understand them leaving graha behind as we have always promised to go on an adventure with him after saving the world. it would make much more sense for him to come with vs the twins who are supposed to be helping the garlean people recover and rebuild

  3. I knew something like this was coming. Remember its been established that Gulool'ja Ja was the guy who united all of Tural from warring factions a long time ago. You can imagine that replacing him would cause all those parties to make moves. This gonna get political as heck.
    With Solution 9, it would seem Deudalaphon perhaps is responsible? Yoshi-P hinted a convocation member to you guys. We know Gaius has their mask, but I don't think he auracite-ed them (more Gaius mayhap?). What if the lady at the end is them? 0.o

    Anyways, its an auspicious time to talk some s**t, HAHA! Make up some wild theories and see what sticks. Good times!! 😁

  4. It may not have been the best launch trailer, but it was certainly the one that I am looking forward to the most. Ever since FF16 came out, the cinematography for FF14 has improved drastically. It feels like whole another game. A small thing such as campfire scene shows it.

  5. Definitely got some vibes from the FATE anime series as well, when that "Goblet/Holy Grail" was shown! The Lalafell that turned around before passing through the gate was wearing the Eureka Elemental shoes of casting? Not sure if that was a choice done intentionally as a hint?
    Wonder if we'll get any lore connections from Eureka (instance area & Primal, as well as Artorius) to Solution 9. Solution 9's appearance is definitely reminiscent of Allagan tech.
    The soilders, their weapons, and ships actually reminded me more of Phantasy Star (future collab maybe?), than Star Wars which you mentioned.
    Can't wait to find out, when Dawntrail launches!

  6. Not gonna lie. I was kind of hoping for Beach Episode: the Expansion. Urianger in a mankini and sipping tropical drinks while Thancred and the WoL try to set him up with a nerdy, wordy librarian from the New World.

  7. The first thing I thought of when I saw the weird cup thing was the Frozen Flame from Chrono Cross. I know it's not that but the cup reminds me of an hour glass and the flame inside.

  8. in writing, storms are usually a symbol of impending violence. If a storm is important enough to be mentioned, then it usually heralds that some bad shit is about to happen. the fact the entire Expansion/arrival into dawntrail starts with a massive storm, means this isn't going to be just a summer vacation for our character.

  9. I love the things this trailer and LL confirmed.

    *We're in for way more than a vacation.
    *Solution 9 and the things tied to it look SICK.
    *The dungeon bosses look as badass as ever (Swoletender).
    *There are TWO Mamool Ja vying for the throne, one that won his way into the race by winning a martial tournament (the warmonger, no doubt).
    *It looks like we're backing Wuk Lamat, the dads are backing the cat boy, and Estinien is probably backing the one-headed Mamool Ja (probably one of Wuk Lamat's brothers, since she mentioned having two).

    This expansion looks amazing. I cannot wait for it.

  10. G’raha’s appearances in the trailer is interesting. At the beginning, he is at the harbour waving us off, which aligns with his promise to stay with the students of baldesion while Krile goes to Tural. But in the Solution 9 dungeon footages, he’s part of the trust party, and in the ending shot where everyone from wuk lamat and koana’s team approach the yellow gate (the same gate that the 2 mystery lalas entered), he’s also present there.

    So it's a no brainer that he does eventually come to Tural at some point, probably in the 2nd or 3rd act. The real mystery one is Y'Shtola, who was absent from 6.55 after the defeat of Zeromus. There's no clue how she ends up in Tural since she doesn't appear to be supporting any of the contenders for the throne.

  11. The two Lalafells are going to be the most important part of this trailer since they're so unexplained and they've said nothing about them (nor do they show up in any artwork). That scene's also an Echo flashback judging by the colour tone.

    I actually want Zoraal Ja or Koana to win the throne, from first impressions they seem more interesting than Wuk Lamat and better potential leaders than the two-headed one. I doubt it'll happen since Wuk Lamat's got the WOL cheat code on her side but still, the supporting cast have me intrigued.

    Also Valigarmanda is from Final Fantasy VI, and in that game is frozen in the Narshe Cave so that scene is likely a callback.

  12. I love the new Trailer! I have a feeling that Erenville isn't who we think he is & that he is connected to that New Maiden! The Maiden gives me vibes of Yuna from FF10, so mysterious & important to the future!

  13. There were Two main things that stood out to me…

    1. Valigarmanda being trapped inside the ice/crystal structure is a direct nod to FF6. This also gives me hopes that post-game we get to go to the Esper World as the 8-man or maybe Eureka style of content.

    2. Those Invaders to me at least look highly like the second civilization we saw in the Dead Ends. If the key art girl is anything related to them, her talk achievement through sacrifice would hugely fall in line with them nuking their own planet.

  14. so does this imply galuf adopted krile because something happened to her parents?
    Also someone translated a sign in solution nine into somdthing like "soul extraction" right?
    So does this mean that they uploaded their souls into immortal bodies like the omikron or does the city itself prevent the souls from entering the aetherial sea? i interpret the mystery maidens lines at the end that they havae found this radical solution for beating death or more like saving everyone without compromise, criticising WoL not being able to be everywhere at the same time to help people. the german version just says "now i have the for my plan" and it zooms on WoL

  15. So my theory is the different potential candidates will have different ideas of how to make their people happy and someone messes up and activates solution 9 and we don't know for certain but I'd be cool if it was a sleeping allagan colony that wakes up and starts their colonization campaign again πŸ‘I'm also interest because in scifi a lot of times the "city of gold" is a misnomer for a city of valuables so what if its just advanced allagan tech. Just my theories but super excited to experience the twists and turns they always seem to surprise us with


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