Having defeated the despair of the Final Days, the Warrior of Light and their comrades had resumed walking their respective paths. Yet fate would see them reunited for a mission unto another reflection, and now an unexpected petition has arrived beckoning them west─to the faraway continent of Tural.
Answer the call, seek new horizons, and embark upon an adventure the likes of which you have never experienced
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#Dawntrail #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #FinalFantasy7.1
Awesome mission
Ladies and gentlemen, the weeken … oh wait!
Zenos is back, confirmed. My greatest enemy, my greatest friend.
So, like, how are we going to tell the two Sphenes apart? Maybe we need a nickname for actual Sphene. Something like Dagger.
Queen Zphenos viator Galvus
Y'all its not Zenos. He deader than dead.
Spoilers Below:
Teeshal Ja is the one controlling Sphene. She's 100% the post Dawntrail bad guy. She's not actually dead, I refuse to believe it. Real Sphene is in the last scene. We're going to fight Teeshal Ja 100% before the next patch.
Somehow Sphene returned.
ngl the part in shaaloani was sooo effing tedious to do xD then again i dont really like koana as a character somehow ._.
when you said it's Zenos. i laught out loud that even the Neighbors got surly frighted at 1 AM.. dam you 🙂
Galool Ja was keyboard cat.
Where is Skyrim?
I just noticed: Koana is thrown to the right but then stands up and is left of the ronEEk.
zenos is back to eat the moon!
Scene was not glowing like she normally did
[3:10] "ITCHY. TASTY."
Teeshal Jaa is full on Yandere.
As soon as we got to the Wild West zone I was thinking "what is this 4-kids anime dub voice direction", so maybe that's just the house style for whatever US dubbing studio they went with.
Theory: Buckle up for this! The Sphene you saw in Solution 9 is a backup. Before we shut down the Meso terminal, Sphene backed herself up just in case things didn't go as planned. The second Sphene Y'shotla finds is the real Sphene. By real I mean the flesh and blood Sphene. How do I know this? Think about it. Through DT everyone said she died, but not how. Even through the Alaxandrian Flash back scenes in the last dungeon nothing showed she died there. What it does show is that they were able to preserve her memories. No mention of her death. I think Sphene herself was preserved, just like he memories and the shutdown of the Meso terminal set her free.
MCH needs a AMR skill!
I think the point with Gulool Ja is the irony that Zoraal Ja obsessed with proving himself to be the miracle child, but throwing the one miracle he created away.
I took the whole thing with gulool ja and zoraal ja that he honestly didn’t think he could have a son. Since his own birth and existence was so rare to begin with, he probably didn’t think another blue scaled whatever he is was possible from the same rare child he was.
Got here from a Dodger 'Until Dawn', but damn I still love Cox.
"You vidraal!"
Hm, yes, today international relations shall be impacted.
My first thought about the appearance of "Sphene" in Solution Nine was, that she might be an Ascian. I'm purely speculating here, but somehow it could be possible. As far as I know, two Ascians, that were part of the Convocation of Fourteen, are still at large: Pashtarot and Halmarut. And Yoshi-P has hinted that we haven't seen the last of the Ascians yet.
People keep forgetting that Primals are still a thing.
ALOT of aether was released with the shutting down of the terminals, an entire city unable to get over her passing and wanting to see their Queen again.
(But i really hope its the Ascians)
Kanarra Fhey – Grinding Gear – Coeurl
They could show actual onscreen graphic lizard sex and you could still talk yourself into believing he’s a clone
You aren't the problem, Jesse (41:44) – they can't even spell Rroneek correctly, let alone get voice actors to say it right! At 39:43 – when Wuk Lamat is speaking, it's spelled 'Rroreek' in her speech bubble. Rofl.