Clips of the best streamers playing Final Fantasy XIV every day gathered here on our channel!
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Clips of the best streamers playing Final Fantasy XIV every day gathered here on our channel!
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why does everyone in this damn game keep pushing out these wierd ways to "enjoy" the game jesus christ just let the man play how he wants
I prefer pyro note taking to rich's stalling
You are at his stream. Guest.
i prefer it this way cause its better if the notes are fresh
The Chaddest Nope
Most people who care about the story won't watch MSQ streams if they haven't played through them so flow doesn't really matter. Let the man enjoy the game his way.
Pyro taking notes like a true Scholar!
Respect to the dude, he knows what he's doing and is happy with it.
To hell to those who try to detract from or change that.
Backseat drivers lul
Just a question tought, why take note?
There's advice, and then there's this, 'suggestions' parading as advice.
If you want to enjoy the story in a fluid pace, just play it for yourself. It's free. Here, we get to witness someone being super invested in the story to FUCKING TAKE NOTES
COPIUM STWIMMER, Play the game how i play the game
Ooooohh, "take your notes." I heard "pick your nose." That makes way more sense.
Also way less funny.
On one hand it is annoying when a streamer stops in the middle of a cutscene to pontificate for 15 mins about a particular line of dialogue that will just get answered in literally the next dialogue box.
But on the other hand you have to let people enjoy the game at their own pace
He's made some amazing theories as to where the game might be going and I think that would've never happened if he wasn't taking notes. Just imagine the lore videos that are going to spawn from all those notes as well.
get nope'd, nub
I was staring at her feet all the time during that cutscene
Not a fan of that level of arrogance if I'm honest. Not a good look, there were way better ways he could of demonstrated his point, he just came across as a bit of a twat.
What people need to remember is Pyro is a lore guy, WoW lore and story speculation videos were what he did as a content creator. He's no doubt setting himself up to move that same focus to FFXIV so his notes are super important if he's going to make that leap. He's not just a streamer enjoying the story, the notes are part of his work to no doubt create future FFXIV content on YouTube.
Ah the only time it's annoying is when he lets the scene play while he writes his notes and misses the shit that's happening in the backgroud, at least hold off a little bit on pressing left click
He enjoys writing his notes this way. He'll most likely forget details at the end. Let him enjoy it at his own pace.
Is he just plagiarising for his creative writing class though. Lmao.
Backseating is high on this one
Why do people tell people how to play. If you don’t want to watch… then don’t.
The Man knows what he's about.
let the man enjoy the story how he wants to… just don't let him press the skip button on purpose
Waah mr streamer isn't playing the game the way I want him to play it 😡😡😡