FFXIV Casual Raiding sucks, here's what you need to know

#ff14 #ffxiv
FF14 Endwalker is an MMORPG, known to push your sanity to the limit. FFXIV has a lot of content I enjoy. But FF14 Savage Raiding in PF really makes me want to uninstall.


14 thoughts on “FFXIV Casual Raiding sucks, here's what you need to know”

  1. As someone who clears on both an alt and main in PF for the past 8 weeks now, i have to say.
    that this weeks reclears were very smooth, and i even won a chest coffer on p8s. yay :3

    Also the new MCH buff is ballin, not that i played DNC before the buff for i refuse to be someone's bitch.

    IDK what DC you on but if iit's europe gladly help ya out, anyone for that matter

  2. I've found the party finder can either fully restore my faith in humanity with a good, chill group that can communicate, or completely annihilate it with the kind of absolute creatures you can encounter.

  3. Well you're farther than me. Cuz I just started playing like a month ago with friends and we arenot even max level yet but want to raid eventually. I'm just worried by the time we get max level no one will really care to do the raids 😂


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