FFXIV : Can You Solo… The Mothercrystal ?

Episode 149 of a series were I try to solo dungeons and trials in Final Fantasy XIV : Endwalker. The objective of the video is to see if a dungeon or a trial can be completed solo (unsync), how long it would take and which are the rewards that can be obtained from doing so.

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0:00 Intro
0:21 Phase 1
2:54 Transition
3:18 Phase 2
13:53 5% to kill
14:36 Outro

PS : I’m really sorry if you get ads on my videos, as my channel is obviously not monetized & these are just YT’s shenanigans I wish I could remove…


#ff14 #ffxiv #solo #dungeons #raids #trials #endwalker #gaming #dawntrail #MSQ #Mothercrystal #Hydaelyn #PLD #Paladin


1 thought on “FFXIV : Can You Solo… The Mothercrystal ?”

  1. It's just normal mode but you can already notice the increase of the health pool and the damage compared to the previous one. Warrior can probably manage to survive this just as well as Paladin, maybe even better, but I doubt Gunbreaker or Dark Knight could survive for long once she starts throwing those shared aoes during the last phase of the battle.
    Healers can probably do this too, but I bet it's gonna take even longer.


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