Episode 112 of a series were I try to solo dungeons and trials in Final Fantasy XIV : Shadowbringers. The objective of the video is to see if a dungeon or a trial can be completed solo (unsync), how long it would take and which are the rewards that can be obtained from doing so. Subscribe to the channel : https://ytube.io/voxmThanks for watching !———-PS : I’m really sorry if you get ads on my videos, as my channel is obviously not monetized & these are just YT’s shenanigans I wish I could remove…———-#ff14 #ffxiv #solo #viper #vpr #dungeons #raids #trials #shadowbringers #shadowbringer #gaming #dawntrail #titania #the_dancing_plague #msq
hi, i've always curious on how did you change their hp bar to a %?
Now im curious if the Extremes Are Solo now , Just missing Mounts from Hades and all the Weapons Ex Trials