Quazii discusses FF14 drama where an ERP Nightclub purchases real billboards for an in-game event, breaking copyright rules and Terms of Service along the way.
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#ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv #ff14
Just another reason to keep your head down and just enjoy the story without talking to people. The community leaves much to be desired.
Don't care about ERPers. You do you, boo. Don't really care about the billboard existing on a certain level. However, using the SE logo was a bad idea. Using hidden items also bad. Using mods also bad. The billboard could and should have been done better. Literally. It shows poor taste from the font used, to the clutter on the screen, to the amount of social media present. But going in and trying to smear the folks involved is also counterproductive.
First of respect to you Quazii to take your time to clarify on the facts.
But after the damage control attempt over at Asmon's who gave them a Interview it showed that the people from Rain do not feel like doing any mistake.
They have been even playing dumb on the question on how the Screenshot was made saying it was all Photoshop while clearly we're seeing not only ReShade here in action but also other manipulation which uses one of two third party tools to pose and dress the shown characters.
Thanks for making the corrections you needed to make. It is stand up to make such corrections.
That narcissist trying to justify themself that their purchase has no effect on anyone and it shouldn't matter, children need to be taught better lmao.
I wonder if they thought about server congestion that will happen with all this no one may be getting into the club
Poor Yoshi just wants to get some sleep but now has to deal with the PR nightmare of RPers being weirdos in public.
This entire fiasco is hilarious 😂 I hope this becomes a lesson that, what you think normal is to your server/community doesn’t mean it’s normal in real world. You put it out in public suffer real life consequences.
we will never know what is really the truth regarding this drama, it is easy to say that they dont know about the billboard and anything just to save their own accounts from a possible ban, I hope that SE will issue a fair judgment to this fc regarding this issue.
I believe that its also a violation of trademark law [not a lawyer, but I have to worry about trademark and copyright law as a creative.]
I hate how ff14 is now being associated as that erp game
Drama for drama purpose, really.
Btw, your Witcher t-shirt is trademark breach aswell. Using logo out of commercial use isnt breach of trademark. Its complicated matter, but i dont think using FFXIV logo is problem here, as far as they arent selling tickets for real money.
Simillary complicated is using modded content. It is not against ToS, as far as nothing of that happens on FFXIV server. Who owns data is lenghty discussion thats around couple of years, but there is no way of telling if its from live server or 3rd party app.
Sounds like the PR guys accidentally threw everyone under the bus. What a mess…
My thoughts: Don't be dumbasses. People KNOW about Squeenix' stance about mods, people just have been dumbasses and not hide them.
if you are worried about kids is too late, they already do this erp stuff on Roblox💩
I hope they start banning all the harassers of anyone if the fc members associated with the venue. Glad they are cracking down on them
Bro, why are you trying so hard to push the TOS. Why don’t you go this hard on all modders regardless of how they use them? But no y’all just wanna ruin peoples fun.
I still think this whole thing is blown WAAAAAY out of proportion. This is extremely harmless on a moral level and SLIGHTLY gray on a legal level. It's a nothingburger.
Can always count on Quazii for the most level-headed and fact-based coverage and takes on even the hottest topics! Wish we could see this dedication to integrity more often from content creators.
Once again, this is important because it's a bad look for the community as a whole, the game as a whole, and the people who have been quietly minding their own business in the cosmetic mod communities.
This whole thing is the twitter reactionists fault. Making a mountain out of a mole hill. Billboard guys GIGACHADS
You do something you like, making mods for people to enjoy, i know someone who's favorite pastime is to create them all day (all sfw might i add and doesn't charge for them) only to have some bad actors ruin that for you.
I hope their entire fc and anyone associated with them get perma banned
in the usual quote
"This is why we can't have a nice thing"
Have to be a special kind of stupid to think that was an official ad
I don't know how the law works exactly, but could SE potentially get into legal trouble because of the link to the ERP stuff, since 14 is officially rated pg13 and the billboard has their official logos on it?
If that scenario is plausible, I think the organisers are f-ed, I doubt SE will be ok with just a perma ban.
Anyway, it was a moment of pure stupidity, no need to dwell on it more.
Awww snap, the majority of people didn't make the connection between mock characters for an ad and modding the game.
I think this desperation freakout has now created the implications people were worried about, now resulting in further investigations into modding. Lmao damn
i even heard that if you go into the discord your pc gets injected with a trojan. to be honest this really stirred up the community in a bad way and i don't like it. i genuinely believe the people at Rain just wanted to have fun but just messed up and the community is just being dicks about it.
Respect for taking down the video.
The issue here is yes, it was not the 'owners' of the club posting those things, it was their discord moderators having mental breakdowns (not trolls as they claim).
I seriously hope the owners of the club are held accountable, as what they did is far worse than streaming with a UI mod on twitch.
Asmongold did an interview with them today and they really seemed like a chill bunch of people and an honest dumb mistake. Either way SE never contacted them and the billboards are down so this will blow over and probably nothing will happen but at least the people who put them up learned their lesson. What annoys me is the people being harassed for no real reason and trolls infiltrating the discord just to sow further discord(no pun intended) and give them further a worse image than they gained from this ordeal for the purpose to make dumb people harass them further for no reason now.
It doesn't seem there would have been a correct billboard, given Square would have been associated with it.
Funny, i thought FFXIV was an MMO not a sexual roleplay game. Aren't there actual games for this? If anyone says they dislike the constant ERP spam in-game, they are the ones labeled intolerant, the problem, and, an "ist" of some type..lol
They better hope and pray that square is lax and go easy on them, because whether they like it or not they violated the terms and conditions as well messing the brand and IP.
They have been nice so far but this is going to get unwanted attention “this is the mail in the coffin” square lawyers are going to hunt now.
nothing really changes, trolls aside, they still broke TOS and they cannot blame the community for trolling them for it, sucks for the people that didnt know but it is what it is. the owners are the ones to blame, not to mention they might have just catapulted a mod ban from SE, and well there you go now everyone is to blame. hopefully nothing happens but still this is the funniest thing so far despite how much chaos this was.
So I don't really have a horse in this race beside playing the game I don't RP, don't use adons and I don't mind people who do. After watching Asmons interview with the guys who did it I think SE should throw the book at them because if SE looks over this someone else might push it a little farther next time and since SE let it go last time they will have to let it go again.
It's highly probable that the use of a billboard for advertising this party, including the use of an in-game screenshot and the FFXIV logo, were within the bounds of the various agreements.
To be clear here, They still crossed some problematic lines- Especially the bit about data mining/potential custom posing, and the potential problems it may bring upon ingame players' heads..
But strictly speaking to the use of a ingame assets on a billboard to advertise, they're probably in the clear. Still could get shot in the foot in other ways though..But likely not for the billboard bit specifically.
With that said, people keep bringing up the NSFW stuff as if the billboard is covered in pr0n. But it isn't, The billboard itself makes no reference to the NSFW content involved- It does advertise itself as a Night Club, however, to which I would think most/all people would consider a night club it to be an 18+ locale by default. I think anyone reasonably viewing this billboard would think there's probably going to be some 18+ content at this 18+ venue even before visiting any of the links posted on the billboard.
I've also seen a lot of "But the kids!"; And lets be clear here, Kids absolutely play the game. But, the only links on the billboard are Twitch links and a Discord link- Both of which require users to be 13 years of age to use the platform… In fact, FFXIV ALSO requires you to be 13 years of age. This of course does not stop kids (or parents) from making an account anyway- But when a child/parent lies in this manner they bring the result on their own heads, and this has been a problem with basically every website ever.
Further, while visitors to the discord(Or website) were alerted that 18+ services would be involved at the night club- It's not as if they logged into the server and were immediately accosted by an ERPer who attempted to draw them into an ERP session with a big erotic message. (Or at least I would hope not)
Saying "We will have 18+ services such as ERP/courts/etc" Is roughly equivalent to a a pr0n site that says "This website is for user 18+, we present <content of this sort here>; If you are not 18+, please leave." with a checkbox to "Confirm I am 18+"; It's informing the potential 'customer' that there will be such content at this venue, which is a reasonable warning to give a potential visitor. (I have not personally joined the discord, so again, I would hope they did not write up a big erotic block of text full of clearly NSFW content to throw at visitors- I am under the assumption that they were simply advertising the service with suggestive wording at best)
at this point, the community is playing how we want to die by making yoshiP stance on 3rd party programs become very strict to the point of using a REAL anti-cheat and putting something onto our PC.
the non-FC members even get into GM jails for harassment.
we just shoot ourselves in the foot now it's time to fix it, learned from it, and avoid shooting ourselves in the head.
They must've lived under a rock because the first rule of modding is don't talk about it, don't show screenshots of it, don't link it to yourself but these morons are like 'yeah we'll put our personal info here'- even tho people were gettiing banned for plugins in the world race which was recent….
You must be really tone deaf to think you won't get hit with it. I hope they get perma'd. I don't mind or care about mods but if people keep pushing their luck no one will give a shit about the ToS and you'll find more bold idiots like these who take it a step further.
Yeah, it's just too idiotic to not be a deliberate attempt to hurt that fc. No way this got through any form of peer review without anyone getting the idea how this is a real life legal issue… Probably trolls or some lone idiot that was thinking they won't get caught.
This whole thing has just been ridiculous. The leaders of that FC really need to ask someone outside their echo chamber if an idea like that is a good one. They didn't even consult their own staff and sprung it on them, putting them in the crosshairs of people who apparently are also stupid and have no boundaries about harassing other people.