In FFXIV, characters make random “battle shouts/grunts” when fighting–you hear them constantly.
This video covers all MALE VIERA battle voice clips that you hear in combat.
⭐️ As of patch 6.01, two battle voice clips were removed from voice 4, making it the only voice option with six unique battle voice clips; all of the rest have eight. The removal of these two clips is the ONLY change that was made to battle voice 4; the remaining six voice clips were not altered at all.
#FFXIV, #Voices, #Viera
⭐️ Emotes & Voices Guide
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📄 Timeline 📄
(00:00) Voice 1
(00:34) Voice 2
(01:07) Voice 3
(01:40) Voice 4
(02:13) Voice 5
(02:47) Voice 6
(03:21) Voice 7
(03:55) Voice 8
(04:29) Voice 9
(05:04) Voice 10
(05:37) Voice 11
I am so sad about this Q^Q
If we want a nice scream we have to chose 5 'and so on' now I guess? 😡 'This' screams are okay, but from voice 4 they were not? I don't get this.
I have voice 9. I love it in emotes. But for battle it feels for me that it is the worst choice. He is more like suffocating, wheezing and, growling? :'D
My English is not so good. Maybe the words are wrong. But at least it does not sound like 'fighting' for me. xD
It's more like…, he's being beaten up. ^^" I asked for changing that, but I have less hope :c
They could give the lost 'eeeEEEEyeeeAAAR' to voice 9 :'D I would love it <333
PS: I like it a lot that u let us hear the lost sounds in the end of ur vid. This gave me a lil happy moment back, haha 😀
AT LAST, we have arrived at the end………walker.
Yes, the FINAL(?), fantastical race of our beloved MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV, is here.
Once upon a time, Square Enix bestowed upon us… some bunnies.
They were tall… they were badass… they were (pretty much) naked…
…and they were all girls.
The days of gender-locked races are OVER, my friends! (lol Hrothgar)
Yes, we got DUDEBUNS.
They've got weird heads, dangerous shoes, and TESTOSTERONE UP THE–
Anyway, here's what I think about these voice options:
1 – A standard, good-sounding Japanese voice. It sounds noticeably lower-pitched and slightly breathier than most.
2 – Similar to voice 2, only much higher-pitched and more lively. Sounds very much like a young anime protagonist to me.
3 – The manliest of men. Definitely lives alone in a secluded log cabin out in the woods. Has RIDICULOUS FACIAL HAIR.
4 –
OBSCENELY MASCULINE. YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO TYPE IN CAPS IF YOU USE THIS VOICE.By popular demand, Square Enix changed this one! And by "changed", I mean they removed two over-the-top voice clips that were pretty much universally hated.
I actually liked this voice the way it was before, but I definitely like it more now that those two clips are removed: it's still masculine as hell MINUS the insanity (that lives on in the final 10 seconds of this video)!
5 – Another voice option where 2/8 clips are WAY over the top. The other 6 are all quite solid, IMO.
6 – This one is an odd mix of really good-sounding, masculine dude… and abnormal breathing sounds. I would like this one more than 4 and 5 if it weren't for those weird, breathy grunts.
7 – Sounds like some kind of villainous Disney rodent character. Very breathy. There's a little too much inhalation going on in these voice clips.
8 – A lot of short grunting… and a little too breathy, IMO.
9 – Very breathy.
04:42 – When someone mistakes an accidental cough for a battle voice clip.
04:49 – This awkward whimper sounds… not appropriate, somehow.
10 – Another voice option that's kind of all over the place. Half of these clips are good; the other half are a little off.
05:13 – Please don't gut-punch the voice actors!
05:21 – Whatever this sound is, it sounds overly processed.
11 – these voice clips are the absolute definition of "meek". they sound so weak that i'm refusing to use caps to type this.
05:49 – the saddest voice clip in the entire game.
12 – And we circle back to ultra masculine. This reminds me a lot of voice 4, only slightly less hardcore, hence no caps lock.
06:24 – 100% guaranteed DIRECT CRIT!!
Overall, I think male Viera got some preeeetty good voice options–FAR better than female Viera have, anyway.
Most of the individual voice clips are very good, IMO. About half of these voice options have at least one or two voice clips in them that would bug me personally… but, still, 6/12 viable voice options is pretty damn good, IMO.
The voice options that I liked this time around are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 12.
Of those six, 1, 4, and 12 were my favorites.
Of those three, my favorite was 12, VERY closely followed by the new and improved voice 4.
Voice 12 is a pretty good balance between "masculine" and "believable".
…06:24 is kind of nuts, but I can let it slide because the rest of the clips are really good. lol
BUT, OF COURSE, these are just my opinions… what are yours?
Do you at least agree that bunmen got much better voices than bunwomen?
Do you like all the testosterone in these voice options or do you think these furries need to take a chill pill?
Thanks so much for updating this video!
Ok, if you say so. (voice 4 user here)
Seriously, SE, bring them back I BEG
Nice. Now i can turn up the voice sounds again without the fear of someone screaming at me 😀 voice 4 sounds really good now!
The recent change made me feel robbed. 😂 rip. HEEEEEEYAAHH
i dont understand the need to 'fix' voice 4, when voice 5 has the exact same annoying sound lol. o well
before the patch the hierarchy was: Getting away from Voice 4 > Doing Mechanics > doing rotation
Thank you yoship you've saved my ears
I want the V4 eeyah it was hilarious just freaking out whenever you heard it on odd situations lol like what the f was that, RIP sad
Sooo I guess no. 5 has still it's eeeyaah? XD
I remember hearing that "HEEYUHHHH" from a Viera playing as MACHINEST and honestly I found it both funny, dumb, and amazing
Holy sh-, voice at the end sounds like kraken nut over the blue whale
They changed all the ones that were fine and kept 5's annoying ass scream that my neighbors can hear even when I have the game muted.
I was in a raid with 2 voice 5's the other day… it was very annoying lol
Was wondering who was the crash bandicoot in my party. 2:52
5:13 Hearing that grunt on a bard just…did things to me.
I hear this specific grunt a lot.