FFXIV Astrologian Healing Guide, Conquering Healxiety! FFXIV Endwalker

The new Astro is even better then before!
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12 thoughts on “FFXIV Astrologian Healing Guide, Conquering Healxiety! FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. So im loving the astro and ive even cleared the new Hydaleyn extreme with it but im still a little confused about what to do when multiple group members fall to low HP and i dont have time to heal them all. I always use ny regen and Helios but i feel like WHM is just stronger at those pure spot heals to bring peoples HP up quickly. Any advice?

  2. Gravity away! Falls into the sky

    Good stuff as always! Astrologian has always been daunting to me, and I don't think I'll level it further any time soon, but it might be a good alternative to the White Mage for me, as I find White Mage a little… bland..? I feel I need a race change and a boring dress to look more like Urianger to maximise my output though 🙁

  3. I love astro so much 😍 I loved it before 6.0 and I love it now! I'm really happy with the card system edit. Having the crowns separate has been really helpful. Lady comes in handy for oopsies!

  4. My first EX1 clear was on AST (wanted to SCH, but partner was a barrier healer).

    The healing is a kick and everyone looks beautiful.

    I found Horoscope has become one of my favorite spells. The character animations and spell effects look amazing.

    Oh and I guess the healing is nice too.

  5. For me, my healxiety goes away when you play with the right people. In my case it was my friend, the people in his FC, and even some nice people in the Novice Network.

    I played Scholar and got it all the way to 50. Finished ARR and got to HW and stopped right around where you fight Shiva and meet Ysale. So after years+ hiatus, I've just recently started it back up and just reached the Final Steps of Faith msq today. But getting back into the swing, playing content past lvl 50, and getting used to all the new stuff/changes was a challenge. I ran Aetherochemical for the first time yesterday and I had to do it twice. I warned the party in the chat that it was my first time running this, I was still rusty, and all the polite warnings I could give. But man, that tank kept pulling too many mobs. And when I would ask about the boss mechanics/advice I'd just get snarky retorts back. So we wiped and they eventually left the duty. Second tank comes along and actually pays attention to what I said. Whole thing goes smoothly and I didn't feel like I was constantly having heart palpitations like the previous tank.

    The point is we've reached a milestone in the game where so many people are playing and there's many different levels of skill. There are people who are trying to better themselves. Understand that you're not alone and there are many different resources you can utilize to help you play. No matter what your role is, if you find people who aren't snarky bags of crap to play with you really will do okay. 👍

  6. Thank you for getting this guide up, I had been watching your other guide and realized that due to the changes in EW it really didn't apply in certain areas. I have found WHM to be comfortable but really want to expand myself in the healing classes (Tanking is my weak area but I figure I'll master healing and then tank.) so I can have verity in my play.

    I have been working on leveling my WHM and AST and it is really really encouraging hearing you say that you have had to keep an eye on your tanks as well, that was a bit discouraging when I was running some dungeons – especially coming off WHM. Having you state the rotations for each level area is really really helpful, I thank you a lot for it.

  7. Thanks for the video! I moslty mained healer on my previous MMO experiences. I skipped that side of mine in FF14 but now my healer itch starts growing. I wonder which one of the healer class is enjoyable. Astro mechanics look interesting.


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