FFXIV 7.2 is the patch we've been waiting for…

omg content…

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Hello everyone I am Jmulls of Jmulls Gaming and welcome to my little corner of the internet!

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In today’s video, I talk about Naoki Yoshida’s tidbits about Patch 7.2 of Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail.

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32 thoughts on “FFXIV 7.2 is the patch we've been waiting for…”

  1. People are already crying about the fact that it wont be with 7.2 but instead 7.25, which just continues to prove people can't ever be happy about this game. It's never enough. Ty for at least spreading the info 🙂

  2. really hoping they can shift the schedule around for 8.1 and drop some mid-core content to chew on.
    If i remember correctly, Endwalker was just as bad when it came to content between x.0 and x.2, but maybe at least the 6.0 story was so satisfying that i let it slide?
    Now that DT is out and the story AND mid-core content are so lacking, it just amplifies the issue.

  3. The Eureka and Bozja type of content is what will always bring me back in. Without it, I drop off and drop fast. This content type is what I sub for. Just running around with strangers, completing crap together, talking here and there, having slightly punishing death consequences, etc. It's a good time.

  4. hmm to improve the game for me….. make aa mode where all the classes are amped like war can do infiite fell cleave or a buffed ver of it or whm can use lasers etx it would be fun. I feel things will get better but they really need to speed up the patches they're getting paid too much not to xD

  5. i just can't get excited about being given the same kind of content we always get around this patch. It's like giving them credit for finally making the game a game again instead of them actually doing better

  6. Finally get what I paid for with this expansion. Seriously, imagine if WoW advertised everything in their upcoming expansion before launch and only had about 5% of it on launch, shit would be buried 6ft under.

    Also, I'm not holding my breath that any of the new content wont be Ishgard 2.0 and Eureka 3.0. The FFXIV team is notoriously lazy when it comes to this stuff.

  7. Too little too late.

    Myself and many other already moved on from this game. Only thing that will bring people back is major changes and huge content updates, but this wont be it.

    I cant imagine this game getting anything more than one more expansion before collapses.

  8. I don't get why people are so antsy about getting this stuff, wasn't eureka/bozja released around the same time? Wasn't there a similar content drought in those xpacs that you've forgotten?

  9. The most exciting thing they could do for me specifically at around this time:

    Rework lower level gameplay. Even if 8.0 will actually make this necessary again to retool the lower level gameplay, if they're not going to deliver the rework now then the least they could do is to give us more abilities sooner in lower level gameplay given how bottom heavy roulettes are. The jobs and how they play right now when I'm not at 80+ (sometimes 70, sometimes for 60 with very few jobs) is what I've grown most fatigued with. Other than that I'm still able to enjoy myself when I do play and wind up in content I really like.

  10. Yall whining in the comments. We're literally getting long term content the day of patch 7.2, which will hold us off until patch 7.4 at most maybe a bit into 7.5 part 1 Which by then the reveal for the new Expansion would have been shown at summer fanfest. The content comes out in mid march to early april at the likeliest. The patch cycle has been like this since stormblood lmao, yall are only bitching because folks didn't like MSQ. Which was also the case in stormblood and had everyone going "Yep ffxiv is dead, time to say goodbye" & meanwhile here we are 😂, especially once the long term content came out in post stormblood, everyone shut they ass up. This is just a reoccurring cycle of the same shit so watching yall whine about how the game is dead or it wont last one more expansion or at all in the future, is hilarious. 🤣😂

  11. Gonna give the new content (when it comes) a try. Hopefully we get something to sink our teeth into this time, but I ain't holding my breath. If this fails, I'll probably come back until 8.0 or not at all at this rate.
    I totally get what you said about pessimism and negativity rn, looking back I think I'm way gone on that topic LOL. It just feels like time and time again, we get told things will get fixed magically, you just gotta wait until the next expansion :). And the other side is just telling me to f off and that the game is not for me, lmao.
    This is me hoping 7.25 proves me wrong.

  12. Correction: The reason pictomancers shine in downtime is not because their motifs are "insta-cast", it is because, in most cases, they can cast their paints during that downtime while most other jobs have nothing to do so they benefit significantly from said downtime.

  13. That's a lot of yapping for basically "Guys we get interesting new content once every 12 months!"

    That's basically buying DT and up tp 12 months of subscription fee, that can easily be 200 bucks. You know how much I can buy with 200 bucks worth of actual good games? Games that have real content?

    Yoshi P maybe saved XIV from it's complete termination back then, but man, now they play it out for a decade always the same way, every dungeon (aside from a few small different mechanics that get thrown together on a boss) feels the same, 2 Groups of Mobs into 1 Boss, Repeat 3 Times.

    Every Alliance Raid is the same amount of bosses, with a few new mechanics sometimes.

    Every Raid Tier is the same 4/4/4 Style, with weekly Gear Lockout for up to 12 Months.

    But now everything is slower then usually to a new content patch.

    If they don't shake up things and continue this is 8.0 and keep it the same speed as DT (or even slower, again), then XIV will basically only have Raiders, Sprouts and VR Chat Enjoyers.


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