FFXIV 6.2 first time Buried Memory MSQ playthrough
PREVIOUS⬅️: https://youtu.be/nNA2ufLWA94
Zero is too good, too pure for this or any world (never mind that she’s a part voidsent tsundere and corrupted by dark aether). I’ll give her all the aether she needs until she loves me.
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00:00 – While Zero Sleeps…
08:59 – Back to the Source
19:51 – Prepping Food Options
27:31 – Zero Awakens
39:02 – Tourist Time w/ Zero
58:17 – Void Talk Over Dinner
1:14:26 – Golbez Cutscene
FINAL FANTASY XIV ©2010 – 2020 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. All material used under license.
Imagine unlocking rift travel and grabbing aged Gaia/Ryne and bringing them to the thirteenth to help fix it.
Yay more Rook !!
I saw you noticed the little voidsent running across at the end — I hope you did that associated side quest because it gives you a bunch of great backstory lore that I know you'll love!
Maaaaan your reaction is so wholesome that it makes me happy~
We need to have a "Zero goes drinking with Urianger and Thancred" day where she gets her first hangover and gets genuinely confused by Urianger and his insatiable appetite for needlessly superfluous words, particularly when he's seeing double lmao I had a horrible thought too; that's the first time she's eaten in hundreds of years… I REALLY wouldn't want to be the person who had to explain to her what a toilet is and how to use it and, um, "clean up" after. I mean, they had to explain HOW to eat. Poor Zero probably had an absolute panic attack a few hours afterwards. Now I'm seeing this whole awkward conversation in my head between Zero and Nidhana where she has to explain the downside to needing to eat and being alive lol There is sooooo much room for possibility with Zero in the source. Also, now I REALLY want Hot Pockets, so thanks for that Rook lol Never change! Your content is awesome and always makes me laugh
Arden and Zero need to have a hat-tipping contest if they haven't already.
A new house?! Does that mean we don't get to listen to the sirens anymore?! Aww.
RIP Chicago sirens and stomping upstairs children. Your antics will be missed.