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#FFXIV #Meoni #6.1
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“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
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Dragoon will have less animation lock let's test it at lvl 90 this week
DRG getting short animation always makes me go nuts, WE ARE SPEED
Cool DRK changes, hope more is on the way to the general kit, + stalwart soul change is soooooo nice.
RIp Samurai
kaiten romoval is such a big deal now…. ngl SAM community going to be toxic about it, i dont play sam so it does dnot really does anything to me.
man ninja was so nice at 80 i feel like the flow got kinda fucked with the new rotation and stuff…
Thank god for the Overpower change. As a White Mage/Dragoon players I'm pretty happy.
Paladin is my main tank atm but with all this healing why don't they just delete the name "Paladin" and just call it… "White mage with a sword and shield"? lol
I'm looking forward to the Dark knight changes and that circle overpower has me hyped for warrior although i didn't mind the in and out combo this makes things simpler for the job
Bard is my main ranged physical i'm most happy about the pitch perfect/wanderers minuet change reducing the button bloat but it ruined my idea of putting all songs on one button macro T^T although it's six and two threes because i'd of had to have pitch perfect as a 3rd song button anyway.
I like the summoner changes as it's my main caster dps, Love the self shield cast change as apposed to a carbuncle cast.
As for healers i don't really do healing so i'm not fussed but i will be levelling every job regardless lol (WHM/AST probably being my main because the spells are pwetty)
I was really hoping AST would get more changes. Might need to wait 7.0 when they rework it again… Other healers seems nice and especially WHM.
They NERFED Midares… Midares will now just pose as critical hits when a critical will just be their fucking old standard damage.
smn changes just seem like you need to press buttons less frequently but still do the same dmg
Blood for the blood lily!
That conal overpower was actually why i never played WAR except to level it. Might actually play it now…maybe
play the other tanks for a while then go to warrior… that cone was a pain as was the targeting requirement.
EDIT: Oh my, Dark Knight sounding nice, also yeah why did they get their AoE combo so late? lol
Wait a damn minute.. so PLD now has a 1-2-3 magic combo for 30 secs or the effect ends upon the last spell in the combo?
Also, with all the self-healing of most tanks, can healers now ask for another button, or two, to dps?
thank you Meoni! the self healing to PLD is nice.. although they were already better than say DRK, or GNB. Interesting that GNB didn't see increased self healing >.< (they feel squishy to me as it is…)
I think the long animations for all the Dragoon jump attacks were the reason why they had this "reputation" of being floor tanks.
Using a Jump when the enemy puts an aoe below you shortly after you jump, can often be the reason why you don't make it out in time, because the animation takes so long.
And don't even get me started with those strange NIN changes! lol
hell yeah brother, more tank homogenization, fuck that massive cone of 8 yalms that didnt forced you run in the middle of a pack to hit everyone, lets go with double circle aoe of 5 yalms, tank you so much devs, now i dont need to use my brain when playing warrior in a dungeon with his cluncky aoe (even though i could just use mythril tempest to pull anyway).
I think most of these animation time reductions are for the PvP changes, more than the longstanding "floor tank" issues. Players mostly adapted to those. But the new PvP mode calls for snappier action, given how short and frenetic the matches are supposed to be. Overall I was hoping for more for DRK though, specifically with more defensive option or self-healing. I mean… you do now, but you pretty much have to play around Living Dead. Which, admittedly, seems much improved but…
MCH being meh in DPS output concerns me, but going from dumpster fire to meh is a noticeable improvement. SE is further pushing it as a burst phase focussed job with these changes. It should be able to prog now, and it’s still my favorite to actually play.
I am personally going with Paladin at the moment, and i enjoy the new modifications to the job,White Mage too.Though i only got to level 90 last night,last minute,so i need to get used to changes within two days of getting used to Blade techniques. Looks good, though.Appreciate the commentary 🙂
Woot, buffing white mage heal!! Now i can keep up healing idiot tanks who pull the entire dungeon but don't use a single cool down!!! Then you realize they now self heal better than your heal and you are stuck with pumping more stone x ;).
Love the overpower circle tweak. As a PLd main, I always run to the middle of the group and swing. Now I can do that as a WAR too rather than cone then circle as a mob pull opener. 👍
RIP sprint wizard we barely knew ye
I actually think the Samurai changes are not very good from a design standpoint for the player. Making a lot of things auto-crit basically makes it feel like they instead cannot crit, they just have big base values. I think it's really underrated why people like crits, the big number is part of it but also that it's a bigger number than normal, if that makes sense. Now there will only ever be normal for most of Samurai.
It would totally be fine for me if it was just on one skill that had like a particular perk of always critting with some interesting mechanic but here I don't think it lands.
WHM is getting its long overdue buff. Its dps isn't that different than raid-contributing healer class like AST or SCH. The fact that some WHM players claiming that they have negative MP regen with 0 piety is also now solved.
Overpower has always been awful do to the cone. Fixes my beef with warrior ever since that skill existed.
The monk change is a good quality of life improvement. Before, you could fat finger perfect balance while already under the effect of perfect balance, which caused some trouble for clumsy ass monkeys like me.
I don't like the change to the WAR's overpower. However, I don't "hate" it per se. To be more specific, I just don't like how it makes it kind of braindead by removing the need to be more tactful with your positioning.
As far as I understand, SMN was already at the bottom of the caster DPS. These nerfs seem weird +20% recast time for >~14% potency
Cannot believe they nerfed Goken so much, that was the only aoe i used for groups as it dealt way more damage when combined with the 50% damage increase of Hissatsu Kaiten, but they went ahead and deleted Kaiten and instead of making Goken a crit like other skills they went ahead and nerfed it to death instead. Great, proper disappointed.
I cracked up when Meoni and I said “Oh sh*t” at the same time when he mentioned the Sage upgrades.
This game is way too overpriced for a visual novel, $12 a month is insane
Why the flood of darkness nerf? To make the upgrade to Flood of Shadow more meaningful? Or does that upgrade only raise it to 130 now instead of 160? To compensate for having Stalwart Soul earlier?
Why are Crown play and Minor Arcana still separate buttons…. they could be consolidated into 1..
so let me get this straight, they do miniscule buffs on the lower end skills and huge nerffs (but add always crit) to sam, THEN add huge buffs to whm, then give basically nothing to astro, and give addersting to sage? when for astro they could give something similar for "the start of an instance"? not only that, the "animation times" for jumps were fine, thats what made dragoons stand out, and they werent too long either if you knew how to flow them together especially
The summoner change seems to really be about swiftcast, because of the longer recast time on ruby so it’s no longer a dps gain. Maybe for rezzing utility, as a rather minor competition for the red mage battery. I’m very, very happy about the WHM changes, but I deeply hate losing Kaiten. I wish they’d just combine a few buttons and give us backthat wonderful animation
no malding over less private housing compared to fc housing?
The way I'd personally change NIN would be to give our weapon skills a 10% chance to give us a Mudra charge and allow our Hakke Mujinsatsu and Aeolian Edge in combo to also refresh the Doton duration. On top of that, I'd make Doton a ground-targeted ability. This would increase our personal dps to the higher end and solves the one thing NIN still suffers from, mudra management. It would give our job a faster, more reactive pace, which we need at this point. NIN is not a support job. We've never really been a support job. We just had TA, which was a single, yet admittedly really good support ability. One ability does not make a job. It's not a main, job-defining mechanic (that would be our mudra), it's a group wide damage boost that just got its cooldown effectively doubled.
This could have been a solid step to make us more of a good dps job, but it was so half arsed that it put is into an uncomfortable, undesirable position. Our damage, as it is, is still on the low end. That's exactly why we need something substantial, like the idea I started with. The nerf to Doton does not help at all. And yes, it is definitely a nerf. The potency increase does not make it good enough to warrant reducing the duration unless we would receive a way to refresh it without spending even more mudra.
I play both so I’m not hating on any job or whatever, but my takeaway here is MCH gets paltry buffs to shut us up while DNC kit continues to get tweaked and micromanaged with adoration.
Dragoon is notorious for getting animation locked at the worst possible times shorter animations decreases the risk of being caught out
Even with the drk buffs people are gonna find something to bitch about. They always do.
Definitely don't like SAM changes.
Making Criticals guaranteed is like trying to fix a casino by making it so you can't lose.
In theory its nice because, hey, free money. But it's not a casino anymore, and some people want to roll the dice.
What do you guys think about SAM changes ?
RIP crit direct tomahawks
As a MCH main, while i wish there was more this is about what i expected, the wildfire changes bring it into line with dancers tech finish which was something ive wanted changed sinch shadowbringers
As for the others, they work out to be pretty big changes over a longer fight if only due to reasemble being completly nutty
Dark Knight is back!
For DRK, does the life steal remain even in undead rebirth or is it removed when walking dead is switched for the new buff?
If I remember how things works, for the Dancer skills now being weaponskills means they are now GCD attacks vs oGCD 🤔
gasp Imma go play DRK now 🙂
I would have to try it but I don't think the drk changes fix the issues with job