FFXIV: 5.5 MSQ Playthrough & Reactions (SPOILERS)

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#FFXIV #Meoni #5.5

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


17 thoughts on “FFXIV: 5.5 MSQ Playthrough & Reactions (SPOILERS)”

  1. I was playing the MSQ myself so I missed your stream! 🙁 but glad I can still watch this afterwards. Thanks for uploading this!

    Also, as an Estinien stan, I absolutely LOVED this patch XD So many good and funny moments with him and the others haha! 😂

  2. Tiamat for trust, let us take a big dragon in all the dungeons.
    The second Paglthan boss has a pair of Amal'jaa casters attacking it to break the barrier

  3. I was also pretty surprised B-Unit was the final dungeon boss. I think the only reason we can face bahamut is cuz tiamat and estinien softened him up first. Also, I think they didnt make him as bigger deal is because we are going to be dealing with more lunar primals in the story and the scions will be have to split up to deal with them or something – if the lunar primals are too strong it breaks immersion.

  4. That scene with Estinien and Alisaie was hilarious! But yeah, Alisaie really needs to learn to chill. I get being upset but she really holds a grudge.

    Alphinaud is my favorite, though G'raha is right next to him now. I like Alisaie less but I still really like her.

  5. Nanamo said our friend was wounded, and Fordola is not considered our friend.

    Man, Fordola's English voice really doesn"t suit her. She sounds far too girly for her age and appearance. And the English performance sadly lacks all of the nuance of her words: her pain and sadness.

  6. So… Since Meoni brought it up and didn't actually clarify, I thought I'd share this.
    My Scion list in order from most favorite to least:
    1. Urianger
    1. (shared spot at #1) G'raha
    1.8 (just barely a smidge below the top spot) Alisae
    2. Krile/Y'Shtola
    3. Arenvald
    4. Alphinaud
    5. Hoary Boulder
    6. Tataru
    7. Lyse
    7.5 (It's my list, damn it) Riol
    8. Thancred
    9. Paplymo (Only because we didn't get to learn much about his character, I still liked him, though)

    And that's it! 🙂 The rest aren't on the list and Estidiot isn't a Scion until 6.0… (Spoiler: he still won't be on the list by then, anyway.)

  7. The dragon thing might just be the fact that they can't summon Bahumut again if Tiamat freed or killed all the dragons they had. Like if they killed Lunar Ifrit then they could just summon another one with prisoners.

    Yeah you're not beating 5.3. That'll be tough to ever beat. Of course 5.5 is only half the patch's story. We'll have to see what the second half does.

  8. assuming that zenos is going to become the new unannounced job, and that it will have a scythe, one of the slightly more out there ideas I had about what it could be is something along the lines of a god of death or "shinigami"

    Yes, I don't think there is anything like it before in FF, and it is unlikely, but some reasoning for it would be that the calamity they are trying to bring about would cause a lot of death, and that their towers are influencing people to treat them as gods, making the title 'gods of death' somewhat fitting. Gods of death are also known to sometime wield scythes, and while Yoshi P did claim it wouldn't be a necromancer, it could have been implying that it is not raising the dead rather than causing it.


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