The differences from the start of the video to the end are impossible to imagine. How far we have come!
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#FFXIV #Meoni #Endwalker
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
0:00 – intro
1:13 – 1.0 Benchmark
7:08 – A Realm Reborn
11:27 – Heavensward
19:33 – Stormblood
26:06 – Shadowbringers
32:57 – Endwalker
39:40 – Dawntrail
0:00 – intro
1:13 – 1.0 Benchmark
7:08 – A Realm Reborn
11:27 – Heavensward
19:33 – Stormblood
26:06 – Shadowbringers
32:57 – Endwalker
39:40 – Dawntrail
This is something I’ve never knew of and was always curious
Thank you for this 😃
The animations in 1.0 were really good.
Edit: 23:05 Uncle Ulty!!!
The on a ship wake up hearing hydaelyn scene in Endwalker is a callback to 1.0 benchmark?!! That's really neat!
idk why you ripped this, this video exists, i get multiple youtubers making the same update video but don’t we only need 1 video for this
i don’t mean to be mean idk who’s platform is bigger
lol this video made me go download all the past benchmarks. Thank you for making me realize I could still get them!
the 1.0 benchmark is sooo awkward,,, one very slow introductory cutscene with 0 music and awkward line reads
Why were 1.0s animation so much better 😭
it's hilarious just how much the 1.0 benchmark is not representitive of even that game's gameplay at all. Heck, even cutscenes of that quality were so spaced out and seldom seen…
what’s the music at 11:57 and 23:19?
I noticed no tail clipping from the MC and Y'shtola for the armor in the 1.0 benchmark. sucks they dont care about that now.
Funny you should post this a day after I tried searching for it.
jesus men how is it possible that 1.0 did some things better than 2024 ff14. i just downloaded the 1.0 benchmark and it looks so much better some textures could use some work and a realm reborn look better in some small scenarios but men imagine this is the version of the game that just got the graphics update. wouldn't look dated at all lmaooo like the animations are just so much better and omg the graphics in general, some textures and effects just looks so much better like faces and clothes, skin looks better in the 7.0 gra[hics update but men this should be this close considering 1.0 came out 10 years ago and 7.0 in 2024. wtffffff this is what we are missing rn, people talk about ff14 being a ps3 game but jesus this look better in some cases then the game we have rn
These facial expressions… I always thought they couldn't do it because of the engine being too old and the models not having enough animation points to show more emotions than "I'm bored" and "serious nod"…. So they CAN do it. They just choose not to! Which is pretty sad to be honest. I'd like stuff like this in the regular cutscenes and gameplay…
What a nice trip down memory lane! One thing that caught my eye but would probably fry some CPUs is how populated the cities look with all those NPCs about!
Aside from that, I'm glad they've slowly added more facial expressions to our WoLs during cutscenes. 1.0's are amazing, but we all know what that cost.
Yet in every vid it shows how lively the open world is with Npcs and creatures runninga round living their lives…then in the actual game…a few packs here and there no random critters no packs running in herds or sleeping or just hanging out. They need to up their open world game its worse then other MMOs. Ill blame older consoles for holding them back on that part tho was hoping they would ahve at least dropped PS4 for dawntrail…may have gotten actual real water and not a fake layer thats empty underneath and you have to zone in to see actual underwater.
shame they can't get the player models back to the fidelity of 1.0. everything else can stay as is..
that 9,999 seconds cap.
I remember all of these,. A legacy player and still play today. This brought back a lot of memories.
I never seen the 1.0 or a realm reborn benchmark before ♥ thank you so much for this video!!!
Seeing 1.0 reminds me of how I hope in Dawntrail we get cinematic cutscenes.The only time we ever see the characters CGI models is in the trailers..
So is it likely the game will get significantly harder to run in the future? I upgraded for Dawntrail but it was very expensive and I can't afford to do it (responsibly) for like another 6-8 years. I get around 27k points on my current build in 1440p on Dawntrail at max. I have a Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 32gb DDR5 6000mhz, and the AMD RX 7900 XT. Unless a new FF MMO comes out within 8 years (which I find unlikely), I'd almost certainly be still playing.
one very obvious graphic improvement is the shadow. Heavesward's shadow in the open-world was almost just black, the shadow is good inside the dungeon tho (i guess it's baked shadow as lighting is fixed in duty instance). My guess is the technical limitation couldn't support better shadow, then stormblood dropped PS3 support, and it's shadow improved, not much, but it is improved compared to HW.
1.0 had the best models,
Is interesting that the benchmark situation in the ship is the same as when you meet Venat in EW
Love the marauder with guns.
I’m surprised the benchmark is a separate executable and isn’t included as an option in the base game graphics settings.
Absolutely love watching the main character become more and more animated and alive with every benchmark
Jeez, this comment section is something else…
what this vid helped me to understand is that content in a benchmark is completely made up:
– music doesn't belong to places it plays in
– bosses aren't in correct arenas and have a bigger party configuration that it is in the game
– every benchmark contains at least one instance of a tank blocking big attack with new(ish) mitigation skill
other interesting stuff:
– they didn't use DTs pre-order mount for our WoL in the benchmark even though from SB to EW we had preorder mounts
– sometimes canned ideas are being put into the benchmark (like ARRs open world primals, or an underwater boss monster in SB)
– at 35:09 we can see books in colors of Encyclopedia Eorzea tomes (brown, red, black)
Is there a reason for playing in HD with a 4090?^^
I disnt know benchmarks existed until now 😂
Been playing since stormblood