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BLM/DRK for AATT is right. Man, back in the 75-era Divine Might was a blast
I'm really looking forward to the Chaotic fight, but part of me is also wondering that when we do return to the Thirteenth will we end up fighting her again for a 4th time? I do prefer "new" especially if it gets its own expansion but can't not help but think she'd be a big threat there
i am tired of seeing ryne and gaia
Did he say thanksgiving ultimate when it’s Christmas Eve?
Prische probably has a battleform so we're not having to read attack tells from a small girl.
The gear set distribution does make some sense looking at this image and if you think about it a bit: Ark Angel EV was PLD/WHM so her set going to Fending and Healing makes perfect sense. Ark Angel GK was DRG/SAM so his set going to Maiming and Striking makes sense, too. In addition, those are the only two armor sets we see repeated. That just leaves Ark Angel TT's set for casting, which is obvious. Ark Angel HM's set going to anyone other than the two classes that dual wield would be criminal, so that's most likely going to scouting. That just leaves Ark Angel MR as the odd one out and the only armor category not taken is Aiming.
I hope you’re right about the gear but I don’t think you are. Going left to right will be aiming, striking, mage, healing, scouting and then two sets on the right are fending/maiming.
The white and golden gear set that might be a reward for the Cloud of Darkness fight looks good and the sets from the new dungeon look also pretty decent. But all the other sets look really ugly and so far Downtrail has a lot of gear sets that look terrible. The tombstone gear is not good looking and the raid gear is disappointing. I feel like Endwalker had better looking gear sets most of Downtrails sets look just boring and generic sets without having something that stands out.
That armor set looks hideous.
The new hall of the novice update needs to be made mandatory imo, it needs to be something you HAVE to do at least once
I’m sorry, what happened? I remember when raid gear looked unique and fantastic and this is so not it. Why is it feeling that after Endwalker they kinda stopped trying?
Mr Meerkat 16:40 too good.
So is it just me or has this patch again nothing for casual player? I either have to spend all my freetime grinding away on some good looking stuff (killing that lizzard 136 times for some wings really made me hate this game) as long as the hype is still going or I can get the hideous alliance raid gear as an alternative. I really have to start considering if my house is really worth the sub fee every month. Aside from the Vanguard armour set the glam options were either just re-used or hideous, the few interesting new housing items (e.g. the neon lights) we got are all insanely expensiv because they are much more elusive than a golden Alpaca, so you can't even use them for new design ideas and aside from grinding your jobs to 100 there is nothing to do since expansion launch.
I have to start considering if my house is really worth the sub fee
Why are they unable to make the Arena's cool.. it's always a Platform with something surrounding it and/or a pit you can fall in… boring af
I see some X comments from longtime fans wanting an FF11 remake, which is personally understandable, but it’s important for them to face the reality before saying like "they keep ignoring us". Making changes that satisfy both old and new players would be a huge challenge, and server maintenance would become even more demanding. Striking the right balance between modern standards and classic charm, while keeping it financially viable, is no easy feat.
"greatest hits" of ffxi in circle and square battle arenas. ill pass and just go live it on pservers.
Dynamis-Jeuno and Sky, Divine Might… brings me back
Hopefully no one is botting to claim Nidhogg
Just give Ru'Lude Gardens housing…. If we're seeing Jeuno > Zi'Tah > Sky this time around I can easily see Tav Safehold > Sea next.
Those archangel sets… kinda, not cool looking. An alliance glam set I won't feel inclined to collect
Give us the FFXI reboot please! /kneel
Almost looks like the Chaotic armor sets might be Alliance-themed. So we have a Void Ark and Aglaia themed ones confirmed so far