FF14 Turned a Side Chick Into a Bad Ass: The Story of Lyse (Spoilers)(Final Fantasy 14 Online FFXIV)

Playing through FF14 until the the last 20% of Stormblood Lyse, AKA Papalymo’s human friend, was one of my least favorite characters. But her growth in Stormblood is a testament to the story telling in Final Fantasy 14. Check it out here!!

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Game Information:

Final Fantasy XIV Twitter: https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN
Final Fantasy XIV Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinalFantasyXIV/
Final Fantasy XIV Official Website: https://www.finalfantasyxiv.com/


Game Description:

Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn is one of the greatest MMORPGS ever created! Your character adventures through the world of Eorzea as The Warrior of Light. You will slay Gods, Overthrow Kingdoms, and smash your way through hundreds of hours of story, quests, dungeons, raids, and more.

There is a huge number of classes to chose from that will fit the playstyle of any player. Tank, DPS, Mages, Healers, Crafters, Gatherers you name it and you can play it. Each class has it’s own play style and will work for solo play or in a group. Players can swap from one class to another just by switching their main hand weapon, and each player can level as many classes as they want!

The story in Final Fantasy XIV sets it apart from other MMORPGS. FFXIV has the MMO elements you expect from the genre, but also brings a Final Fantasy worthy story into the mix. The first time you level a class in the game it will be through the Main Story Quest, and what a ride it is!


Thanks for stopping by!
#FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV #FinalFantasy
Keywords: Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, FF14, Should I play FFXIV


18 thoughts on “FF14 Turned a Side Chick Into a Bad Ass: The Story of Lyse (Spoilers)(Final Fantasy 14 Online FFXIV)”

  1. I think you will really enjoy the post StormBlood patch quests a lot too
    Can you do a full review of StormBlood once you've reached Shadowbringers?

  2. Oh yeah I totally caught the flirting too. Funny, even long before I got to the sparring scene t my headcanon was that Lyse and my WoL were sparring buddies. "It was the most intense match they'd ever had together. Who threw the first punch? Neither could remember. Who landed the first blow? Neither could remember. By the time they began to exchange kicks for kisses, it didn't matter anymore."

  3. Really astute observations about a character/expansion that sometimes gets forgotten in all the hype of the more recent releases. As you get closer to Shadowbringers, hold on to those memories you've made (and brush up on Ga Bu if you've forgotten about that little guy). Lots of character development is on the horizon. My advice for the next chapter: let go of all of your expectations, and just let the game do its magic.

    In the future, I'd love to see a video where you reflect on Y'shtola and her many memes. Her sass really starts to pick up around this stage of Stormblood.

  4. I love how much you're getting into FFXIV! So much passion and excitement in your voice! I would disagree though, she was always a badass. A lot of people actually have the oppsite view to you for some reason, they loved 'Yda' and hate Lyse, and I don't get it. I think she's a really nice character. I know you took a break and maybe you don't remember all the stuff from before but back at the end of ARR when all the shit went down with the big story twists, when they had to fight their way out of Ul'dah, her and Papalymo were so badass then. XD If it's been a while I say rewatch it either on YouTube or in the Unending Journey in game (housing item that lets you rewatch all old cutscenes if you weren't aware) but yeah I think the reason people hate her after that is probably because we don't see her fighting as much, but she's fighting all along. It's unrealistic to see every battle that the NPCs are doing when we're not with them, but I loved her character development. I think people hate her for no reason. >_<

    Well enjoy Shadowbringers! Lots of exciting stuff to come!

  5. I am glad you branch to FF14. In my opinion, FF14 is way better game than Wotv, but harder to cover compare to Wotv. Frankly, I did not watch two FF14 videos you posted, because I already playing FF14 now, so i don't need reasons to get into FF14. Second video sound interesting, but spoiler PVE contents are what I would avoid watch as current FF14 player. I think you are the most professional youtuber covering wotv, and I would love to see you cover more non spoiler FF14 contents like bad ass glamour, mount, PVP. especially PVP.

  6. Ala Mhigo, Monk, & Lyse we're completely dunked on by Doma, Samurai, & Hien
    Even the duel at the end of Stormblood where you 3v1 Zenos you controlled Hien 😂
    Lyse is fine doe, but so is Yugiri 😍


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