FF14: Ramen is Mightier than the Alpha!!! (BLU O12S Clear)

Hey Blue Mages! We finally DID IT!! It’s our clearing run of Alphascape v4.0 (Savage), aka O12S, and finally got those ‘Mightier than the Alpha’ and ‘Omega Blue’ achievements!

Following the tradition of FF14 raid tiers, while other raids may have more varied mechanics, Omega has BIGGER mechanics that will kill you and all you hold dear for doing them wrong. Such is the way of the savage raid.

Also following the tradition of Blue Mage Savage Raiding, and particularly with this fight, once we got our first clear of Hello World 2, it was (relatively) smooth sailing to victory. You can tell it was our first time through, as this was also the first time in ALL of our prog sessions that I got the Rot debuff first. Hence why I had a mental lapse that I also needed to heal myself after my defamation went out.

But one small death aside, I can’t complain about our first clear!

You want some time stamps? Ha ha! YOU’VE GOT IT BROTHER!

Opening: 0:00
Phase 1: 0:30
The Twins Emerge: 2:30
The Box Strat: 3:13
Omega-F Pattern: 4:09
Omega-M Pattern: 6:08
Intermission: 7:35
Phase 2: 8:53
Hello World 1: 10:07
Hello World 2: 14:26
The Final Push: 18:36
Victory: 19:20

Blue Mages are mightier than your average class! Is there anything they can’t do?

Want a peek behind the curtain and hear my voice and callouts (along with some extra chatter) set to a techo beat? check out the phase 2 view from one of the other DPS here!



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