FF14 Dawntrail OST: Queen Eternal Trial Theme Revealed

#ff14 #musictheme #dawntrail
⭐⭐⭐A world free of suffering and loss… This earnest wish, made by the young Queen Sphene in her final moments, was realized centuries later in the form of Living Memory, the twisted paradise behind the legend of the golden city. In order to obtain the aether needed to sustain the sanctuary’s recreated denizens, Sphene has shed her conscience─the memories she had as a living person─to arise as within the Meso Terminal a terrifying entity possessed of absolute authority. Thus empowered, she now seeks to initiate interdimensional fusion and harvest the life force of people in other worlds, and it falls to you to stop her before untold lives are sacrificed.

00:00 – First Phase
03:30 – Second Phase

🗺️ Dawntrail Expansion:
Embark on new quests, explore uncharted territories, and face formidable foes in the Dawntrail expansion. This music piece is just one of many that elevate the game’s storytelling and immersion to new heights.

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See you all there!!!

⭐⭐⭐Music from:
Title: Queen Eternal Trial Theme
Game: Final Fantasy 14
Expansion: Dawntrail
Trial: The Interphos

✨Thank you for being a part of our incredible community. Let’s step into the Dawntrail together! 🌄✨

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