FF14玩家自制技能特效-【忍者篇】/FFXIV NIN skill effects Mod preview

After playing ff14 for many years, I always feel that the game lacks a sense of attack, especially for some early jobs. So I think I’ll try to remake some skill effects, which may increase the sense of attack and hand feeling. However, some skills are over updated, which is my personal interest or aesthetical standard.
This time, I brought the skills video of the Ninja.
May you like it~


17 thoughts on “FF14玩家自制技能特效-【忍者篇】/FFXIV NIN skill effects Mod preview”

  1. Incorporating mudras into the attacks is a really good idea, and giving the combo an elemental effect tied to those mudras is a really good idea.

    You have perfected raiton, I refuse to believe it's even possible to make it better. Its fast, feels like it has impact, and it's flashy but not overwhelming.

    Your hyosho ranyu fixes the biggest problem with the original, which is you can’t tell it’s actually an ice jutsu.

    One way it might work even better, is if one of the ice shurikens (or even just a ball of blue light) flies into the target immediately to trigger the freeze effect, and the other shurikens fly in after to break the ice. Ninja jutsus often have a physical component to them, such as the fireball travelling from the mouth to the target, and I feel like adding the first shuriken would bring that into your improved hyosho ranyu animation.

    In a similar vein, the original suiton animation looks like the ninja is channeling the water to travel under the earth to hit the target and while yours is better in style and impact, it lacks this physical connection to the ninja. Maybe the initial instant of the jutsu could show a thin stream of water or energy flying up into the sky, before the ninja “pulls down” the water?

    One thing I thing I think could look way cooler, is doton. Isn’t it like quicksand? The effect is low to the ground and has a dust effect, and it slows the enemy’s movement and slowly damages them. It seems weird to have rocks fall when it doesn’t have initial impact damage. Your animation already has a great spiral effect on the doton area, why not have the rocks burst from the ground, then be sucked back in and crushed to show the grinding force?


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