FEMALE HROTHGAR EMOTES AND MOVEMENT – FFXIV DAWNTRAIL PREVIEW June 6, 2024 by MTQcapture They’re so cute I LOVE THEM Development Footage. Subject to Final Adjustment/Changes. source
So Hrothgals can't wear hats either? Despite not having the posture issue the males have or the giant ears like Viera, they still can't wear hats? Reply
To bad they fucked up the hairs tying them to faces so fucking dumb of them.
Omg omg omg omg I LOVE THEM
Finally a good match for a Viera to hug ❤
i really like the stance and movement
Wish we could make leaner Male Hroths
Yup, definitely my favourites will definitely fantasia 😍
I love female Hrothgar so much but can they still not wear hats?
where the hats?
So Hrothgals can't wear hats either? Despite not having the posture issue the males have or the giant ears like Viera, they still can't wear hats?