FEAR THE REAPER! – Reaper New Melee DPS in FFXIV!

We have been calling it for months and it finally happened, the Scythe is here to mow down expectations!
…sry im tired lol and I pun when im tired…

FEAR THE REAPER! – Reaper New Melee DPS in FFXIV!


3 thoughts on “FEAR THE REAPER! – Reaper New Melee DPS in FFXIV!”

  1. That is all I ever wanted. I was crying in joy! ;-; I always dreamed of something like a void-mage. And this is even better! Not only have we a voidsent but we can also temporarily fuse with it. I've been using Edda's scythe ever since it released to this day as Glamour for all the Jobs I play. (DRK, DRG, BLM and WHM) So it feels to me like a personal wish came true. ♡ It's like Yoshi P granted me a wish. Everyone was always saying "You can't use voidsents, they are way too evil and dangerous. We're a hero, we're good- that doesn't fit." – Well apparently I can! ♡ I just hope Reaper will be able to use Edda's scythe as well so I can keep my glamour the same with all Jobs I play. :3 I can finally be evil. ♡ I will rule all of the void. 🤭


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