Xeno and Nidhana go to Tower of Zot to test the talisman that prevents people from being tempered by towers. The talisman is seems to be working but Nidhana gets captured and dragged in The Tower of Zot by Fandaniel. Fandaniels then reveals his real name to you and you see a part of his memories using the Echo. This is part of the level 80 quest called Tipping the Scale. Xeno gives his first, blind reaction to the Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker story (MSQ) cutscene.
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#Xeno #FFXIV #Endwalker
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)
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This strummer respects cutscenes, I admire that, greatest ffxiv strummer
Wait I thought Xenos was a huge lore nerd.
Strummer watching cutscenes, what's going on here? 🤣
He's the guy with the hat
If he is playing MSQ and watching cutscenes
How does he not know what is going on?
Just playing up to the peasants in chat for content?
I have a friend like this, who had no idea Alphinaud and Alisaie were different characters until she started watching the story in post-Stormblood.
High key these streams have been so much fun. I hope we do this for the patches and 7.0. Xeems picks up most story beats pretty quickly and hearing his predictions are hilarious lol.
Can't wait till he sees the imperial eating steel for dinner.
I love how dude asks "Fandaniel, who is that guy". Fandaniel starts to break down who he is at this moment. LOL.
Oh right, he doesn't do the story usually. RIP.
aa would love to watch the whole vod, but think its only for his subs on twitch right?
Looks like Xenos would have enjoyed the story
Nidhana was holmganged😔
How did he do savage if he hasnt done msq hello?
xenos got a attention span of a dog
MSQ Xeno Best Xeno
Sadly, not even Xeno reactions can make this story interesting
Wtf is a strummer
Always those new players who skipped the story. 😛
imagine playing this game for so long at such a high level yet not knowing anything about what is going on
This was great to watch live. I hope you eventually post the entire vod!
Do my eyes deceive me! Xeno watching a cutscene!? I must be in a alternate reality
Reaction: "That's the guy with the hat"
Apart from ARR i would gp through all the expansions again , this story was so well thought out and put together. What a masterpiece
someone did not read the story it seems. and/or skipped lol.
Xemo watching story .. what is this universe ?
I found this reveal not very interesting. I mean, it really doesn't matter.
fandaniel is a big part of the reason endwalker is around ARR, and stormblood, and not heavensward, or shadowbringers. and then they expected me to like him or feel bad for him at the end. pft… moving on!
ngl, I'm surprised he remembered who Amon was.
Why Xeno still working on MSQ?
Fandaniel: Amon, at your service
My Bard, in full Amon regalia: … never heard of you.
I can hardly fathom being at this point in the game and basically knowing nothing about it. But at least he's learning now.
to be fair, the double names and after lifes and previous lifes and titles are confusing, even if you read the msq😂
I am into the story, but even I was like, "Who? That clown guy from Syrcus? Ok…?" I don't get peoples' reactions when they're like "OMG NO WAY! THAT'S CRAZY! WOW!"