[FAF] FFXIV Keyboard & Mouse Tab Targeting Tutorial Functionality

Fast as F*** Tutorial to improve Keyboard & Mouse Tab targeting.

0:00 KB & Mouse Tutorial
1:10 Detailed Explanation



30 thoughts on “[FAF] FFXIV Keyboard & Mouse Tab Targeting Tutorial Functionality”

  1. like many guides you go way too fast for most people to deal with without literally just "do as say, don't think about it" which means people don't learn why it works or whatever, just hit checkboxes. You should slow down the first "here is what you do" and state "all this will be explained in detail later".

  2. Yooo! This is a great way to do the tutorials. Give me the good stuff quickly and then follow up with more advanced explanations if I feel I need more. Keep it up, looking forward to learning more.

  3. Not sure what it is for KB/M but controller has a button that pulls up a list of allies and enemies when you hold it down similar to FF8 when you were in the middle of an animation. You can customize it to have closest enemies at the top and furthest enemies on the bottom. I prefer it because it makes the game feel more RPG like.

  4. thank you, thank you, thank you 🙂 subscribed, you re a god 🙂 i got to the conclusion, FFXIV problem is having to much system options :D… and being complicated to figure out 🙂

  5. I have a weird problem with these settings, not sure if it's something i've done wrong but in a dungeon when the tank is pulling everything i can only tab to the one thing i'm engaged with even though the party is engaged with many enemies. It fixes if I throw a heal on the tank but i guess you can't get around this? Didn't notice any problems with my bard for whatever reason

  6. I went from removing the hotkey on the tab button.. to doing targetting with the key just below esc.. to putting it on my mousewheel.. to using <mo> macro with the key below esc to.. applying this instead of a macro.
    I still wanna find a solution to use a mouseover selector that won't accidentally target a party member (super anoying in raids).
    whilst your information is helpful it still targets enemys out of range (skill use as ranged) so it's still a stupid targetting system (SE fault).


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