Have you ever felt the chills from someone inspecting your well-thought-out glamours? Here’s how you can spot them (and thank them)!
#thelittlemaiden #ffxiv #ff14 #comedy #shorts #ffxivonline #ffxivmemes
© SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Songs Used :
Undertale OST: 036 – Dummy!
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3epEVMNJdY ]
Chen (첸) & Punch (펀치) – Everytime
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlkpAExArTc ]
Adventure plate enjoyers rise uuuuuuuup o/
start up a convo when(if) they look back
Zoom hack makes a cameo!
That's exactly how I do it. Soon as you get spotted you bolt for it. Thinking they never saw it! Thinking we are all ninjas with our hide
and they called it bunnnny loveeeee

The ending feels so nostalgic – Sitting next to pretty Girls and not talking to them is one of my favorite past times
this has no reason to be so accurate and so good
When you catch them staring JOKES ON YOU IM INTO THAT opens up charecter equipment
Tfw you UwU and they OwO back

I ether move far away so my character does not turn their head or somehow near but facing directly at them so when I select them the head moves just slightly that is hard to notice lol
damn i have been caught.
i do the exact samething! damn it! lol
Mouseover info macro ftw
As a male hyur, i just run towards every female roegadyn and gives them a hug… i just love big mommys and i don't care about the consequences !
If you know you know
ah rp selling in a suit white powder, what a time.
sounds like an ai
And then there's me … checking everybody's Materia Melds in a PF group when we load into a fight… XD…. and wincing when I see a Monk with Spellspeed or a Red Mage … with Spellspeed lol.
0:45 To be really accurate, one of them (or both) would insta-logoff after being busted and pretend it never happened
that ending made me want to jump off a bridge
From now on I'm just walking right up to their face and clicking on them
For no reason, whatsoever, did this need to be as accurate as it is.

The way I wheezed
As if 90% of these people don't WANT to be looked at.
I thought I had sworn off of k-dramas for good. Yet here…..of all places….at the last 20 seconds….gdi
Reminds me that I should really get to making my adventurer plate.
Saranghae Maiden
why is this me, wtf lmao especially the walking pass just to make my camera get closer to the player I'm checking out xD
The macro that lets you inspect people without having to click on them has saved me from many accidental love stares.
Mouseover macro intensifying
i usually just walk in front of them, stare them in the eye and inspect them.
Lol i do this shit while im waiting for pf to fill xD
I stare at them and if I can't figure out the glam, just check them. If they ask, I tell them. If I'm scrolling over people and I misclick them in a pack and I get a nasty tell demanding to know why I was targeting them, I remind them that PeepingTom is a mod and ask why they're using it. People are going to check you. It happens. Just be honest about it.
Lol That sudden glance is so me I am minding my own business & I see cat & lizard girls staring at my character and abruptly look away and my Hyur is Apparently considered attractive..I thought the opposite for the longest time,
I got pose for, winked at and yes even got Dote on…
I can list a few instances were
that obviously a joke,
I got assailed
Looking for deals on the MB, standing Around in a less populated area of one of city Specifically Ul’dah & Crafting & doing turn ins
Uh.. this turn out much longer than I wanted….
With my experience on ff14 since 2014 and from my transfer to balmung in 2020… so many poeple are actively standing around waiting for someone to engage with them so
Its not like they get caught off guard or afk, theyre most often actively sitting there watching for ppl to look at them so they can look back and maybe get someone to talk to them
All you gotta do is be far enough away with you back to them to be able to click but now have your head turn lol
As a male viera, I felt this.
I lost it when Everytime started playing