Everything Endwalker did WRONG in Final Fantasy XIV

Endwalker did a lot of things well and I think is very good for the game. These are the things that I think SE dropped the ball with on FFXIV. I love Final Fantasy, I just want to see it improve and be the best game possible! Enjoy!

♥ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZeeTM__


14 thoughts on “Everything Endwalker did WRONG in Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. the main thing i want to see change in is pvp, its so fucking bad.
    u can basicly only que for the frontlines once a day to get a few points to buy the regular pve gear with. (all the other stuff only gives glam and most stuff u cant even que for because noone is doing it) frontlines should be team vs team, 3 teams is just waaay too much its not fun, also a 3 team ffa requires way too much tactics, 80%that que that dosnt even wanna pvp and just get the daylie over with. its just a huge clusterfuck and u can bearly see who your target is. also the fact that everyone has 3 heals ??? why ?? it feels so fucking dumb to try to kill someone and that guy ist just healing all the damage you do and than runns away without even beeing a healer and healers .. omg you cant even kill a healer solo you prolly need like 3 ppl to even kill one, maybe u can kill a healer with 2 ppl if its the right classes and u wanna spend 1-2 min doing it. all that stuff basicly forces huge zergs of ppl killing guys one by one, also why do classes in pvp only have like 5 skills ??? just why ?? i mean i get it noone ques for pvp so u make lvl 20 ppl que with the lvl 90 ones but imagine pvp was actually fun more ppl would que and u could have lvl 90 pvp and low lvl pvp. also in genereall pvp should deal way more damage in pvp, prolly like 20% more damage for everyone (maybe even 30% for pure dps classes) imagine there was 2v2 or 3v3 arena type pvp in this game and ppl didnt have a heal to just outheal everything, imagine u had 90% of your skills working in pvp it could be so much fun but pvp is just dead, its so sad.
    also give ppl a reason to do pvp, make the smallre battlegrounds rewarding make them daylies too where u can farm some pve gear there is just no reason to do them besides some glam, so its just dead once the few ppl that want the new glam are done farming it. it just makes me sad that SE dosnt give a shit about pvp.

  2. Ive never played FF14. Was thinking about getting into it. But my entire youtube recommendations on the game are negative takes and memes about how some of the jobs are hated/boring. So now I dont know if i should even download.

    What an interesting way to encourage and onboard new players.

  3. For island sanctuaries, I would have liked a bit of free building on the island, like a mini version of ARK or Conan Exiles on the island. Although my only real complaint wasn't even mentioned here. I would have liked the story to be more spaced out than it was. Break Endwalker into 3 expansions, have Garlemald be its own expansion, culminating with the level 83 trial. Then put the rest in a second expansion. And an entire expansion should have been devoted to the post endwalker story too. SOOO much potential just compressed into one expansion.

  4. but your rotation does change if you have more skill/spell speed, and you start experiencing whats called drift in your rotation as your burst no longer lines up with the 120 second raid buffs. You have to figure out how to realign yourself in order to fit your burst back into that 120 second window, effectively changing your rotation.

  5. Regarding the Deep Doungen.
    You do know, that there is Palace of the Dead, where you can Start to level your class even with low Level?
    The Leveling with Deep doungens would be "Palace of the Dead" Until lvl 60 or 70 (I'm not sure, which Level exactly it is), then you could run "Heaven on high" and finish it with "eurika orbos" (or how the New Deep Doungen is called).

  6. This is not really a -everything endwalker did wrong.
    and rather just a personal wish-list…..
    I was looking forward to a quick analyzation of the expansion personally.
    So, this title is very misleading.

  7. You got some negative comments but I agree with your suggestions and you’re being fair and constructive. There’s no need to aggressively defend a product we all pay for, the community needs to rein it in, otherwise the game will never evolve.

  8. About criterion, you never needed to be BIS to do them (people like to assume things I guess, the min ilvl to enter criterion was the current raid min ilvl). I did Sil'Dihn in full rinascita gear (and my group was full rinascita also), rinascita being Abyssos min ilvl. Criterion Savage on the other hand I don't really know what the minimal requirements are, but BIS helps that's for sure.
    Otherwise, yeah sure, Criterion NM should be the first wave of catch-up gear, be it with more supply of twines and stuff or a set of their own, but we need more horizontal prog and earlier.

  9. this is going to be a big one and this is MY OPINION so if you don't agree thats fine.

    so, in my opinion Endwalker as an expansion was horrible, like so horrible that if it was removed from the game i don't think there is a single aspect of it that i would miss, i genuinely despise EW as an expansion so much that i cannot wait until this shitstorm of an expansion is over.

    so why is it like this for me? well the content was bad and really low effort, the patches were the same they have always been, job design is awful, gearing is boring and awful, a lot of content was just copy pasted from older content, devs focused too much on making the older dungeons and expansions soloable so the actual max level content was worse than it needed to be among a lot of other stuff.

    so what was the good stuff of EW? The main 6.0 story (HOWEVER the MSQ should NEVER be considered when ranking expansions, why? because its a thing you only play once that takes around 10 hours to do and then you forget it, its not actual content, its the gate to the actual content), DSR ultimate (tho most of it was done in ShB anyway so dont know can it really be called EW content), criterion dungeons and music

    and now the bad things: job designs, gearing, pandaemonium raids, TOP, relics, island sanctuary, dungeons, criterion dungeon rewards, orthos deep dungeon, 6.1+ story, alliance raids, extremes and maybe some other things, i genuinely cannot remember other stuff from EW if there was cause i just don't like doing EW content.

    now why are these things so bad? trying to cover as much as i can but lets see

    job design is awful and they need to be reworked, the jobs should be more about fun factor not the balance SE is obsessed with keeping the jobs balanced so that is why the jobs are so dead atm

    gearing has been boring and problematic for a long time now since SE is too scared to make actual changes to substats and gearing process.

    pandaemonium was a disspointment of raids, first tier was extremely hated and forgetable, there was not a single fight that i can remember fondly, it was just boring, second tier was widely hated tho TBH its my most favourite tier, full of experimental things and higher boss damage which was fun and new and we need more stuff like this, personally i hated the 3rd tier just felt really boring and lack of actually good ideas, P11s was fun because it was basically just a E11s with a paint coating, so it was good fights because E11s was a good fight, it was not new or unique.

    TOP is awful ultimate, it was buggy when it released, it had way too high of an DPS check that relied on luck that you critted enough to clear it, there was a bug in phase 5 where a tank could just get nuked by the boss cuz you would have magic vuln from mech before it and she would auto you to oblivion, i have no idea how the hell that got through testing, TOP just felt rushed and not tested, its badly designed ultimate

    relics are the worst thing about EW for me, relics should be a fun grind to make you waste/spend time between patches, instead they were just generic tome grinds, i have done so many roulettes that i never wanna do a single roulette anymore, actually the worst "content" in the entire expansion

    island sanctuary started good, but then SE didnt know what to do with it and just kind of forgot about it, just giving it small upgrades but left it to rot after that, tho i never really wanted that stuff in XIV, if i wanna play animal crossing i go and play animal crossing, i dont wanna play single player animal crossing in MMO

    do i need to even say anything about dungeons? the formula is the same for all of em, the bosses are boring and just do very basic moves and its just something you do while bored or/and are watching youtube

    Criterion dungeons were fun, but there was no point doing em cuz there was no actual rewards for em, SE has struggled to put any kind of reward for hard content for years now, since they are afraid people would get mad if they put any kind of unique stuff there, that is why you can actually buy and sell the rewards from criterion in market board which is dumb af

    IMO orthos is the worst DD, its annoying to do and it really shows that its EW content, enemy autos don't do any damage, but every mech you do wrong one shots you, its boring and unfun to try and solo, older DD:s let you recover somewhat if you fucked up a little bit and made you show some skill for knowing which enemies you can and cant take on

    6.1+ story was just bad, anyone who has not played FF4 will not care about it and it was the most boring filler arc ever

    alliance raids were boring and too easy, there was some cool fights but lack of any kind of punishment made it so tiring that i only cleared them once and never went back in there again unless i got it from roulettes

    same thing with extremes, just really boring and sameish mech, in/out, stack, spread, clockspots, the same dance every single fucking time, its so boring and tiring, its not exciting or fun

    in the end EW was just a horrible expansion with nothing of interested that makes it memorable, people will remember the story and music probably, but actual content? hell nah, that stuff will die right as DT comes out, it will not age well and i dont think many people will ever touch that burning trash of an expansion content, Endwalker had high hopes but the expansion and care for it was all time low, devs obviously didn't care about EW as much as they did other expansions, they just wanted stuff out quick without actually properly testing nor thinking about it.

    SE has promised a lot for Dawntrail but don't get your hopes up, EW was hyped way too high and expectations were through the roof, in the end it was the most miserable expansion this game has had, im already quite a bit dissapointed with Dawntrail, Yoshi-P calling it "the second reborn of the game" and whats the first thing they say? "we don't want to "break" the jobs in DT so we're not gonna change them, only add to them" so they are not changing anything and keeping things exactly the same… woooo… what a change/reborn of the game, just shows that SE has learned nothing in EW, i cannot wait to see what other dogshit stuff were getting in DT and people still defend their asses.

    so yeah, im pretty pissed about EW and i don't like how SE is handling the game

  10. It's true that Endwalker had some issues, and all said here are pretty much what most people have been saying, including me. For Dawntrail, I'm hopeful many of these issues will be improved on, as the one of the main goals for Dawntrail and beyond is to make multiplayer content more fulfilling. There's gonna be a new Eureka/Bozja-type Field Operation, which I'm very excited about, and I'm hoping the DT's Relic Weapons revolve around it. I also expect Variant/Criterion Dungeons to get a more meaningful reward structure, though I still think it shouldn't overstep the rewards from Savage Raids. One solution could be, that the gear received from Criterions may be of same item level like Savage Raid gear, but that Criterion gear is missing some property, that Savage Raid gear has.

    As for the 2 minute meta, I can live with it, but I also wouldn't mind if it is reworked or even removed completely. Although I can't really say, what can be done with it to make it more interesting.

    Overall, I believe Dawntrail will steer FFXIV into the right course, as Yoshi-P himself has taken some of these issues very seriously, and the stress that this game needs more, but in a way that the game doesn't become more difficult, will come.

  11. Hello, fresh new player here<-(about 650hrs playtime and finished MSQ, Mains Paladin, Whitemage and Summoner) I startet in late august last year and I had a god damn blast with this game. Currently im getting up all the jobs up to 90. Got most of them around ~70 and doing HW Tribals and some relics. With that short introduction out of the way, I would input my experience as a new player into the mix. I mostly read comments from veterans about these topics. The lack of diversity in the classes rotations is not a thing for me. Every job has a very different feel to it especially in the mages. For healers I cant say, as I only play Whitemage, For the tanks, they are kinda the same as they all share the same mitigation with a special slapped on. The difficulty of the content in Endwalker was fine id say. That said, going blind into a dungeon/raid as a Tank or healer will always leave a different impression than as a dps xD. Going through the content now it is quite easy to do, what wonders repetition brings. What I would love to see is the difficulty level from Shadowbringers. That hit right for me. I cant speak for high tier raiding and all that 2 minute burst thing as that is just not a thing for me. I also do not envy the balance team as they have to find a way to please the long lasting players who crave difficulty and complexity but also have to keep new folk like me in mind. I recently learned about the old 2 minute opener of the old Summoner and im very glad I have not witnessed that. I f I did, I would most likely left the game and never came back. I do not really know what to make better or what may be the root of this problem, but playing this game and having more and more fun with every expansion and the moves the jobs get in those. I have no doubt they will disappoint me with Dawntrail. Thanks for reading that block of text, if you have questions, please do ask them. Talking about this stuff will only move us forward. Have fun playing the game, or taking a break from it to come back fresh. Take care fellow WOL/D

  12. I've been playing since 1.0, and I found Endwalker to be the worst to play through, somehow. A good deal of that is burnout, but…

    So, for me, the biggest issue with endwalker is how they do design. And this happens on multiple levels.

    The tl;dr is that jobs are overly similar to the point of every job feeling redundant and boring after a while, difficulty is currently borked, and all content having an identical design philosophy.

    Job design: right now, jobs feel very static and boring. The vast majority of jobs have hyper static rotations that just are not interesting to do over and over again. To make this more awkward, they all kinda feel very same-y. The tanks all feel very similar, the healers all feel almost identical, etc etc. Every class is built around a 2 minute raidbuff window. So on and so forth. Now, at a glance, these are very solid designs for rotations, but… It gets more awkward when you realize how little variance there is between jobs. For example: there is never a reason to pick one job over another for a fight. In older expansions, you would bring a bard along for resource regen. Didn't need it? You can bring something else. Smn was the god king of AoE, so in trash heavy boss fights it was top tier and could actually make up for other jobs that were bad at aoe. Fight had a lot of magic damage? Bring a dark knight. A lot of physical? Paladin. Don't know? Warrior. So on and so forth.

    Content design: all content is extremely similar and falls into one of 2 camps: dungeon design, or primal design. In dungeon design, you get your 2 trash pulls that have absolutely no gimmicks beyond aoes to dodge. In older expansions, you had stuff like waves of water pushing you back that you had to watch out for. You had falling traps that inflicted vuln up that you and your party could get so you could speed stuff up by baiting monsters into them. There were basic puzzles and whatnot to make it so dungeons weren't so basic.

    For boss design, all bosses are basically the same. They have the easy mode demonstration of mechanics in the first half, and then advanced versions of mechanics in the second half. Each on an individual basis. The end result is every boss is pathetic for the first half of the fight then ramps up massively. This got to an insane point in the P7S fight, which I hold to be one of the 2 worst fights they have ever designed (the other is bismarck EX, aka literally nothing more than dps checks. Fight was an absolute nightmare during launch window, and has now been rendered mindless from sheer stat increases/potency buffs since then making it among the easiest fights in the game).
    For P7S: this fight is something like 13 minutes long or something absurd. The first 9-ish minutes of the fight are pathetically easy, and then you get 3 sets of mechanics that require you to analyze the entire arena and figure out where you need to go immediately because you have around 3 seconds to get there. If absolutely anyone messes up, you probably wiped. While the patterns are static, where you need to go to solve them is basically pure RNG, so no prepositioning. Because the fight is so god damn long, on re-attempts wipes are more likely from sheer frustration or zoning out. Difficulty should not go from a 1/10 to a 9/10 in the same fight, and not just arbitrarily at the like 9-10 minute mark.

    This can be further seen with design in general. Content right now tends to be extremely easy, with occasional bursts of high difficulty. Nothing released in EW was as hard as Alexander's harder fights back during HW, but it sure doesn't feel that way because most content is a snoozefest and even most individual fights are pathetically easy until some specific mechanic kicks your ass. Fights should not be a 1/10 or 2/10 on the difficulty scale for 95% of a fight and then jump up to like an 8/10 or 9/10 for some specific mechanic. Made worse because they've started including a lot of mechanics that are basically checks for how many party members are alive. 1 person dead? Wipe. Everyone up? Here is 5 damage, passive regen will heal it up.


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