Every Monk Skill From Every Expansion in FFXIV

Intro – 00:00
ARR – 01:18
Heavensward – 23:16
Stormblood – 31:28
Shadowbringers – 44:38
Endwalker – 58:31

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31 thoughts on “Every Monk Skill From Every Expansion in FFXIV”

  1. I really miss those positionals, that’s what got me hooked in monk in the first place. Having to dance around the side and back every hit is very engaging and satisfying to finally get it into muscle memory, which I still do even today 😂

  2. As a NIN main who's used to what I think is the opposite of MNK which is all burst fuck the filler. God I hate playing MNK and it's not even anyones fault and I don't want them to change it for me, But seriously it constantly feels like spinning plates keep demolish up keep twin snakes up do the right combination for peaks to get the right beast chackra's going to get Sun and moon to get Phantom rush in Fire and BrotherHood and all I wanna do is hit the funny weee button.

  3. Man, the fact that I remember ALL of this shows just how much I've loved MNK since 1.0. I've always had to tank or heal or be a caster or anything BUT a melee, but any time I can be one I'll always be MNK as I adore their playstyle.

  4. Monk on/off-main here. Actively raiding since ShB, but had a few 1/2 savage stages in SB but ugh…. the fear of dying, losing stacks or god knows getting speed cards…. man, i dont miss TP and GL Stacks at all. Gave me alot of anxiety back then and switched to Samurai. Which i assume alot of ppl did back in those days. Now, with only dying to fear and TP gone, i would kill for those speed cards as monk, but you cant have it all i guess.
    Anyway. I like the greased lightning switch they made and the big change with the beast gauge/nadi. It feels that from now on Monk has alot more options again going forward. The current iteration is fun and thats all that matters to me. Will probably play monk next tier again, even if it would fell down the dps charts again.

  5. Fav eras of MNK:

    – The "TK MNK" of late SB
    – Getting to main it for DRS (since we had a surplus of tanks); getting the duel buff then doing well over 100k dps in opener (and maintaining close to that number by the end)…absolutely nuts
    – Current MNK, even if I hate how much more sks I need to meld compared to other str melee

    Took all these years but finally since late ShB, the job's just flat-out good, even if there may be elements of it's prior iterations that folks miss

    EDIT: It's taken me up to around now in EW to finally be like "I don't need to hit Bootshine from the rear". Having hit those positionals for years…it has taken quite some time for me to relax on them now that they aren't a thing (for the most part)

  6. I remember in one period of 2.x playing pugilist was better than playing monk because the amout of the useful shared skills that you can pick, monk can only take 5 skills from lancer and marauder but pugilist can take about 25 skills from all classes it was fun casting spells, heal and tank at the same time. It was a one man army class.

  7. The beginning of Shadowbringers brought about the beginning of what I would consider a very dark time in my life. I wasn't proficient enough at theorycrafting (in fact I'd started theorycrafting in this expansion) to realize how much of a dps loss using Tornado Kick was compared to spamming Boot and DK over during PB. I just couldn't believe that they took such a fun and rewarding rotation and flushed it down the drain. Furthermore, something you somewhat touched about Anatman is that, due to how it gained GL stacks on server ticks, it was propagated through the Balance Discord to use a third party tool that tracked the server ticks, and subsequently made it impossible for console players like myself to compete on the same playing field.

    While I gained the experience and ability to more thoroughly analyze game mechanics in both this and other games, the ShB MNK change started a half-year long obsession of mine that resulted in me becoming a meme and, by the end of it all, feeling mentally ostracized from the game to this day, even after the EW monk changes. I still love the game and feel the desire to play it, but it's a mental hurdle I always have to get over.

  8. 19:20 Impulse Drive was handy if you were on silence duty as you could 'pause' your stance on Opo by using it until the right timing arrived, I remember doing that for ADS in Coil 1 when we had a party with no Bard to silence.

  9. A few things for HW Monk; at the very start of the expac before hotfix patches, Meditation was super loud; like airplane taking off kind of loud, and you had to spam it 5 times after every pull during dungeons. In the first HW dungeon, Dusk Vigil, I was very quickly asked to stop using Meditation between mob packs by the other players lol.

    Forbidden Chakra was also broken initially. The 'lock' on using it was so severe that you would generally hard-clip your GCDs with it, resulting in a DPS loss. This and the meditation audio were quickly fixed from what I remember.

    Tornado Kick had a big flaw with it as well which still technically exists to this day; as a disengage/killing skill, it had one of the longest delays for getting its damage out of any skill which is the last thing you want with such an ability. Bosses could leave without warning sometimes, so you would need to memorise or sometimes feel out when they were going to go and use TK something like 2-3s ahead of time to make it land. But as some bosses could jump early depending on their HP%, you would also have to contend with that and sometimes you would do it too early or too late due to fluctuations.

  10. I only began playing FF14 with Endwalker. Monk was my first job and I still enjoy it, even though I'm a Dancer main now.
    As someone who recently began playing, watching these videos really gives me a different perspective on the jobs. Looking forward to the rest of this series.

  11. I always expected one-ilm punch to turn into a line AoE at some point to finish up the AoE rotation. Kinda thought having a cirlce, line and cone as your GCD's would be a good way to emulate monks constant repositioning for mobbing. Though I guess with the positionals all but gone having them all be circles is fair enough.

  12. This was a great walk through memory lane, and the pain of heavenward monk. A few things I wanted to share as someone who also loved playing Monk since ARR: I was that one weirdo in Rabanstre who had crutch equipped and tried to save people who got bound. I'm glad they gave riddle of wind a new animation and wanted to keep making it a thing, also flint strike's axe kick is still in phantom rush as the finishing part. And, no matter how bad it is compared to the norm, I love celestial revolution, even though they could've just called it somersault and I will always use it. Thank you Mr Happy!

  13. I really miss playing this game. The simplification of jobs made me grow quite bored of FFXIV. I understand that they increased the complexity in encounter design, so I am not saying the game is easier, but I just enjoyed it more when the complexity was on the jobs. Having to actively think about my actions and adapting on the fly so as to keep GL had me way more in tune with my character

  14. I've always enjoyed Monk but never been big into playing it

    But I'll never forget this Macro I saw back in HW.

    "*cough* do'st thou brother hath goad? *cough*"

    Some dude kept spamming it in Alliance Roulette 😂

  15. I remember my days of playing monk at 10fps. I couldn't use fist of fire or earth. I needed to be in wind to simply dodge anything and everything. More often wind, but sometimes earth. I rarely got to fist of fire.
    After I upgraded, I got to use fist of fire all the time.
    Man we monks had a hard road.

  16. I don't think it was mentioned, but there was a rework for One-Ilm Punch back in Stormblood where they swapped the dispel for a stun effect which was immune to diminishing returns. It wasn't the most useful ability, but damn it was fun to use on bosses that could still be stunned to interrupt their casts, particularly Diabolos in Dun Scaith. Seeing multiple monks throw it out to make the 1st phase of the fight a cakewalk was a hell of a time.

  17. 1 hour in and I completely agree. Monk is my go-to recommendation for new players who want to DPS, because it has so much of a better progression curve than something like Dragoon or 6.x Summoner (5.x SMN was much more fun for new players…)


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