eScape – Journeys (The Stigma Dreamscape) with Official Lyrics | Final Fantasy XIV

Another rendition of the chicken tenders song– this time we have the “Journeys” band version played when in the Stigma Dreamscape dungeon.

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12 thoughts on “eScape – Journeys (The Stigma Dreamscape) with Official Lyrics | Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. As soon as I heard this, I knew I was going to have to restrain the BOP. I failed, it's hard to not BOP to eScape. Was a delightful treat and marked the second straight expansion eScape was used in a dungeon, and once again: related to Omega.

  2. This dungeon always felt weird to me with the first boss going from hearing Omega's theme until we fight a prototype Omega and the song changing to the standard Endwalker dungeon boss theme, but loved hearing this track whenever this popped up in expert roulette


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