The Final Fantasy 14 expansion Endwalker, which releases November 23, 2021, could be the boost FFXIV have been looking for.
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Grow up Activision is not Blizzard. It hasn't been good for 10 years.
9:28 When ffxiv puts something in the game for everyone, they mean there are so many viable things that nearly everyone will find something they like.
Whereas when wow puts something in the game for everyone, it's literally just one thing and everyone is expected to like it. Then they abandon it for the next "thing for everyone" next patch.
Ff14 healers so darn boring though…1 button dps spam can die.
Fuck yes acco! screw hardcore raiding I wana be a island sanctuary gamer
Island expedition lets you put out your minions to roam free. I really hope they let us put out the mounts too!
Torghast versus Palace of the Dead is such a good analogy. If Palace of the Dead was REQUIRED, everyone would hate it. But it's not. You can do it, you can say fuck it and never touch it. It's there for those that are interested. Like Pint said in his recent video "Nothing is mandatory but everything is encouraged"
EDIT: AND it's a viable way to level new jobs to 60 if you don't want to do dungeons or sidequests or pvp or whatever. Like everything in this game has a few different options to meet the same goal.
The difference between those 2 companies, one deliver periodically fresh new content, the other stream reinvent existing and sell it as new.
@Accolonn The funny thing is the Goldsaucer is getting an update in Endwalker too (they point it out on the Endwalker website) but no one even talks about it or even ask YoshiP what update the Goldsaucer is getting.
Torghast could have been a feature pure for cosmetic rewards and fun. And expanded upon with content from the other expansion. It could have been the infinite tower in which realities intertwined so that you could get into a emerald dream area and collect cosmetics that looked like it. Same with Fel, Light, etc. An eternal grinding machine of whacked up buffs and experimental mechanics. Injected with more and more cosmetics. The mirror of realities. But instead it's Zovaal's BDSM dungeon.
I played WoW from TBC to MoP, only stopping cause I couldn't keep my sub. I'm glad I left when I did cause the culture around WoW has changed so much.
I started playing FFXIV over a year ago and it gives me those same feelings WoW leveling used to give me but better. I love being able to level all the classes without making alts. It took me forever to get through the msq cause I kept getting distracted. đ
Also I found your channels recently and have been binging vids! I am so excited to see you progress through FFXIV!
Hey Accolon, there's also solo Apartments as part of the massive Apartment building in each housing ward. Other than that, spot on!
There is multiple interviews and reports online that the island stuff Is NOT player housing yoshi p has reiterated this alot
Difference between WoW and FF14 endgame? FF14 has variety, you can pick and choose either for long term goals or whatever catches your fancy in the moment. In WoW, if you dont log in for a day or even a week (guess what, people travel when they go on holiday), you fall behind. And there is almost no content other than raiding and mythic+. Dont get me wrong, raids und dungeons are great but if thats the only thing the game has to offer…
The reason SE is the better company than ActiBlizz is because when Yoshida asked his boss if he can start open communication with the community back before ARR during the desaster that was 1.0, the leadership of SE agreed and gave him more or less free hand in how he wanted to approach this. All ActiBlizz can get done is a useless smokescreen called "community council" and pretent to finally truely and honestly and really, really trying to listen to their costumers. And we all know in our heart of hearts how this will end. We just have to ask: how often did the devs promise to listen, to start a dialog with the playerbase? And how often did they break their word? – With SE, of course its not always peaches and cream back in their office, of course there are rotten apples in the batch – thats to be expected. But they do one thing right: communication and (and thats a japanese thing) humility! Do I have hope for ActiBlizz in that regard? No, sir, I absolutely dont. They rather burn their offices to the ground than admitting that they might done something wrong – and I'm not even referring to the lawsuit.
And: There is nothing, absolutely nothing (!!) wrong with a company that wants to make money. They need money to pay their employees and the considerate knowledge these people posess, they have to pay to develop their products, for equipment and replacements, the building with water, waste and electricity, taxes… You have to make money to spend money – and you have to spend money if you want to grow and change and develop and create products that keep appealing to your current costumers and (!!) be good enough and stay good enough to attrackt new costumers. "Money makes the world go round", its as simple as that. Of course SE wants to make money, but their CEO "only" gets fraction of what Mr. Kotick and many other US CEOs get. Yes, its a different culture for sure, one who doesnt pay such ridicuolous amounts of bonuses. I dont envy Kotick his wealth, dont get me wrong, he has to work hard to earn it, but I also believe that these bonuses should be invested in the company itself, and not the singular person at the top.
So we need send acco to golden saucer anonymous for intervention!!!
Torghast was fun the first few times on my Hunter, then I tried higher floors and it. was. a. struggle. I had to respec to BM and it still felt like a very unfun chore. Meanwhile my Blood DK destroyed the top floor. So that immediately was a bad sign to me because clearly Torghast wasn't designed well if it was fucking easy on one class and a nightmare on the other. Both toons had the same ilvl by the way. Ironically, once I actually got my leggo, Torghast got easier. But what kind of logic is that? Waste 2 hours of my weekend grinding Torghast to get soul ash to upgrade a leggo specifically so I only waste 1 hour grinding Torghast for more soul ash to make the leggo I wanted for raiding in the first place? On top of that, the fact that I HAD to do Torghast, EVERY WEEK, just to keep up with soul ash just so I could do the thing I wanted to do in the first place: raid. Yeah, no thanks. I think I was subbed during Shadowlands for about 6 months max. I didn't even bother leveling any other alts after my DK. I dabbled with crafting to make gold, but by the time I had earned enough to reach the tier 4 pieces, I was losing gold after sales because I wasn't fast enough–or a bot.
Fact is WoW has become an unfun time-waster that expects players to play whatever singular fancy system they've rolled out like it's god's greatest gift to mankind. If you want to be good in the game, you have to interact with that system. You don't have a choice. Don't want to grind out soul ash every week like it's a job? Then you won't be as optimized as you could be. Forget getting a spot in raid.
The big mistake the WoW devs made was forgetting that an MMORPG is supposed to be fun. If they can stop making these arbitrary required systems that literally aren't fun, WoW might be good again. Give us a Torghast, then give players cosmetic rewards to grind out so players like me who don't want to spend 2 hours a week doing so don't have to. They need to stop attaching player power to these systems you have to check off your chore list every week. That's what it became for me. Just something to literally check off my weekly list. It wasn't a game anymore but a second job. Sadly, it doesn't appear that the devs understand this and that sucks for us players who used to love the game.
I would like to hope that 10.0 will be different, that the devs will have learned from the mistakes of the last 3 expansions. But given the way Shadowlands has gone, I think the chances of much change is very, very slim and I will not be giving any more money to Blizzard until that happens.
Blizzard won't change as much as they claim for the multiple times they learned from their mistakes, because they haven't and never will.
9.1.5 is nothing more than a token gesture and the fact some insider said "10.0 will be different" but didn't say "better," so that alone tells me it won't be.
Zero trust and confidence in Blizzard.
Hm i dont care about the RP – ERP Part in FF14 i like the Raids thats it and i hope thei do better then WoW
One thing u mention that really makes me love FFxiv is no data mining. This bring such an amazing experience when a new expansion launches.