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Wait we can do that now??
Maybe I won't need to have Hi-Jump on my bar twice. Not of I can now double weave Hi-Jump & Mirage Dive.
I'm a fan of the faster animations on spineshatter and dragonfire, but the animation speed on elusive jump just looks silly. I like the speed, but it looks really dumb
lala jump
I am happy for people that they can double weave the jumps now, but… I play on high ping, and I am worried now people will get mad at me since I will not be double weaving them x.x
That looks so satisfying
We can double weave jumps what a time to be alive
F to rotation guides.
Seems like a good day to be a dragoon but a bad day to be a Sam.
Can you double weave Spineshatter and Dragonfire as well?
I feel like double weaving jumps kinda defeats the purpose of the animation change tbh.
The point was to not lock us in place so long that we end up getting killed or a taking unnecessary damage. To allow us to jump without needing to delay it to be safe.
If double jumping becomes the optimal rotation then we’ll just have the same problem but less often. Yeah you could delay the second jump but that means potentially pushing the next jump back as well. Everything wouldn’t line up as intended.
So it’s the same issue all over again: Take the risk jumping or delay a jump and loose damage.
Hope this doesn’t become the optimal way to use our jumps because it sounds awful. Especially for console players or those with bad ping.
Well looks like the people at the balance have to look for the new most optimal opener.
God this makes drg fucking legendary now
When the dragoon is tired of getting memed on and says fuck all of you I’m the dps now arc.
So what youre saying to me is DRG os fast
You love to see it!
That is neat, but I still don't trust Displacement for RDM lol (also shorter animation time)
whats the rotation now?
This is what peak drg looks like
I disagree with everyone here. I prefered the long animation, and I don't really care about optimal damage I just use jumps once in a while. Like in a turn based game, skil skill jump skil skill jump. So I wouldn't ever double weave jumps.
Time to level my DRG it seems
it could have been good to have a micro edit with a slow motion and a zoom and the gcd
I've been trying to get this but even at minumum skill speed my jumps still clip, how is yours so smooth?
"We made jump animation lock shorter to help give dragoons time to dodge"
The Dragoons, animation locking themselves for a full gcd:
my muscle memory: rip
Welp…. better keep an eye out on the balance for a rotation change…
Wish I had good enough latency to be able to do this T_T
Double Jump Potato. :3
It's so fast that I had to set the playback speed to 0.5 to see and understand that I just witness
its like you can double weave jumps but it still really doesn't make a difference imo unless they drastically change the class.
Game is stupid easy
Is this recommended? It still feels like you can clip very easily. Although the amount i have accidentaly double weaved High jump into Mirage dive is over 9000
Protip: Watch this at 50% speed and focus on the hotbar to better grasp what is going on
All i see is light movie fast.
So this is Bulma's point of view when Goku fight a villain.
SE: Hey guys here's some shorter jumps so you can survive easier!
Dragoons: Guess I'll die.
Not only that, but our elusive jump which is a backflip jump feels amazing to use to chase or dodge faster.
Nothing changed. Not gonna double weave jumps unless very specific situation calls for it. Opener hasn't changed. Guess the reduced animation locks are great.
welp i guess is time to practice this to the point i can do my entire rotation within a single gcd rotation
The way it should be. 🤣