Don't take me out of my ley lines! #finalfantasy14 #ff14memes #ffxivmemes #finalfantasyxiv #ffxiv


17 thoughts on “Don't take me out of my ley lines! #finalfantasy14 #ff14memes #ffxivmemes #finalfantasyxiv #ffxiv”

  1. Never had to take a blm out of laylines, maybe once on warrior of light when i had to put eberyone on full in 10 secs and he placed his laylines wayy too far of healing range. And even that was on an unsync mount farm so yeah usually i trust in the laylines to be somewhat safe😂, trust the laylines usually unless its a first timer i just trust in them and throw a regen/heal if needed, but usually even on df it isnt the case😅

  2. If I'm in Leylines and I'm suddenly targeted by something, that's what Manaward is for. And if it's not up? Well, 80% of BLM is asking for forgiveness rather than permission.

    I'm a healer main but I like to play BLM sometimes so I understand that they're gonna get hit occasionally and I try to be understanding of that and shield them instead of trying to drag them out of whatever they're doing.

  3. I’ve had to use “thanks, but I was fine right were I was” couple times when anxious healers do it to me. I understand they’re just doing what they thought was right but god it does get annoying sometimes

  4. Fellows, just leave them to their devices. They'll either use their movement utilities or die. Oh well. It's their fault. They have the tools to avoid it and we have the tools to recover the MP from a rez. Save it for when they're being charmed into an aoe or something like that. Least that way they'll actually be thankful.


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