Discussing Dawntrail's Future MSQ! Final Fantasy 14

Wanted to get something like this out real fast mostly because I wanted to see how people feel about Post Endwalkers last big MSQ moment! Be sure to throw your crazy/fun theories down in the comment section bellow as we theorize what to expect in the future!

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Disclaimer: The MMORPG known as FinalFantasy XIV Online as well as all its related publications and merchandise are owned by Square Enix. I have no claims to it.

Primary Sources:
Video Games-
FinalFantasy XIV Online

Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume I
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume II
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume III

Alternative Sources:
FinalFantasyXIV, The Lodestone/Sidestory
FFXIV, Letter from the Producer
Published FFXIV Brand Art Books

#ffxiv #endwalker #dawntrail


21 thoughts on “Discussing Dawntrail's Future MSQ! Final Fantasy 14”

  1. Theres no way she ends up the ruler. Theyll either council/senate it or the girl at the top of the poster art will be the new leader.

    She and Eren will probably start palling around with the scions in some capacity.

  2. Wuk Lamat did mentioned her desire to see more of the world, including that being able to understand and navigate myriad cultures is key to being the ruler of Tural. Whatever outcome we get in Dawntrail, it’s only the beginning of her journey as a character.

  3. G’raha told Krile to go to Tural and leave the Students of Baldasion to him and the receptionist whose name I don’t remember right now. It almost seems like he’s not coming with them, which sucks if it’s true. But we do see him in the trailer, so maybe he’ll be in another ship. Also, Y’shtola didn’t make an appearance at all in the patch but she’s in the trailer so what role will she play? So many questions still unanswered

  4. My take is Erenville is Wuk's older brother with the oldest brother being the MIqote cat boy. Thancred and Urianger will be helping him….Koana…. IT's teh younger sibling that is the troublemaker and we don't know anything about them yet.

  5. I have a theory that the sibling Wuk Lamat speaks of is the Mamool Ja man we see on the key art. There's four claimants, who I believe we all see on the key art poster. Wuk herself, Koana her "second older brother" – who is a Miqo'te and thus the white-haired Miqo'te on the key art most likely- the Mamool Ja we see next to Wuk Lamat, and then up top we have a Hyur woman. Seeing she talks about Koana with more fondness than the sibling Erenville and her mention. It'd make sense that the Mamool Ja may be the warmonger, if he's the other older brother (as we only know about Koana being at least older than Wuk).

    Also for a second theory, I think Koana is the one who asked for Urianger and Thancred. Seeing they're put close to his position on the key art poster. Which asks the question of who Y'shtola is supposed to be backing. It'd be neat if they split the Scions into not just two sides, but three.

  6. Erenville seems just a little too shall we say “well-spoken” for his own good, and his apparent history with Wuk Lamat since they were kids despite her royalty is even more leaning into the potential that he also has a claim to the throne but really REALLY doesn’t want to have said claim

  7. Yup. My WoL has become quite, umm… skeptical throughout her travels. Not because she doesn’t want to genuinely help and go on an adventure, but because she knows that not everyone has the best of motives. Also, something about Wuk Lamat just screams at me that she’s trying to trick us… gain power for herself so she can do what she says this other person is planning.

  8. My guess is that Erenville is the scholar brother. Both hid their identities from their Sharlayan peers, both tell stories of their experiences that pique Wuk Lamat's interest in Eorzea, they're "thick as thieves since [they] were children", and he is "indispensible" to Wuk Lamat for her bid for the throne.

    I'd wager something happened regarding Erenville's relationship with his homeland that convinced him to sever most ties with his homeland. There's definitely a conflict there, and I'm gonna enjoy finding out how it all works together.

  9. Willing to bet Erenville is the third brother! he just left because he doesn't want to be a royal, thus he throws his hat in with Wuk Lamat. Konoa her Miqote bro hired Than and Uri, probably knew them from school! Everyone on that first key art are main characters in the 'part 1' story arc of the line of succession. Twins are more there for Garlemald, or maybe won't end up competing. Graha and Ysh and Estinein don't have anything to do with the line of succession. So they might be more involved with the 2nd half of the storyline

  10. I love 6.55 but it was so short & over too fast! I am hoping Dawntrail may drop hints to Green Mage in the future! Krile has the green clover earring from her Father's letter! Maybe quests in the New World could lead us to finding Green Mages like how Blue Magic was found there! Dawntrail can't get here fast enough for me!

  11. Did you catch the beast master teaser info that was in one of tge 4 books read in the library during the quest might be something to dig into there in that text. Thought it was vjper lore but i think its actually beastmastet

  12. What i allready stated:
    It is sayed, that one of the 4 candidates want to invade other places. And, that she wants to become the next ruler to prevent that scenario.

    The twist i have in mind:
    She herself is this candidate. And want us, to help her by tricking us (what is in the way of the idea: SHe looks like a pushover, who isnt as strong, as she says all the time, when whe see her hand after the final battle).^^

  13. My personal predictions fall along these lines:

    Thancred and Urianger (potentially also Y'shtola and Estinien?) are backing the Miqo'te sibling she mentioned—likely the same one that appears on the right side of the key art—setting up the main conflict of 7.0 as a 'friendly rivalry' between the two teams in a series of tasks/competitions that span the continent.

    The 'warmonger'—possibly one of the Mamool Ja at the bottom of the art—is the wildcard in the competition narratively; sometimes winning, or sometimes causing one or the other of our main teams to lose to the other due to his actions interfering. The fourth sibling is either going to be too weak a contender to have much impact, or so strong a contender that they become the goal to overtake.

    In the end, it's a coin toss whether Wuk Lamat or her Miqo'te sibling ends up winning, and there's strong narrative reasons for the writers to pick one or the other as the ultimate victor, depending on how they want to resolve this leg of Wuk Lamat's character arc. However, the 'warmonger' is likely not going to take the loss sitting down, and I suspect that the aftermath is going to spill into 7.1-7.3 as all parties are going to have to deal with what he chooses to do, now that the throne out of his reach.

  14. It's so funny how Estinien's entry into the story is by him just randomly being there because of his travels, lol. Though I guess that also happens a lot with how the WoL gets themselves involved in other situations.

    That also still leaves the mystery of Y'sthola's reasoning to be there in Tural, which I think hasn't been foreshadowed yet so far?

  15. Unfortunely her voice killed any hype for her and permanently damaged the character. Also Krile and Erenville arent solid character to helt carry a expansion. Dawntrail has potential to be worst than stormblood as FFXIV worst expansion.


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