[Day 27] 🌱 I tried PVP for the first time in FFXIV

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Today we took a look at some of the PvP FFXIV has to offer!

Recording Date: 3-10-2023

#ffxiv #justruss #finalfantasy


11 thoughts on “[Day 27] 🌱 I tried PVP for the first time in FFXIV”

  1. Frontline is chaos, but if you mess up or feel like you sucked, it doesnt really matter that much. Also the dailiy Frontline is great for a phat exp boost once a day. You queue in with the job you want exp on and once your at the pre game load in, you swap to the job you want to pvp as. The exp counts towards what you qeued in as.

  2. 1:50:40
    Hedgehog is in superorder Laurasiatheria which groups together true insectivores (eulipotyphlans), bats (chiropterans), carnivorans, pangolins (pholidotes), even-toed ungulates (artiodactyls), odd-toed ungulates (perissodactyls), and all their extinct relatives. Hedgehog is an eulipotyphlan
    Mouse, meanwhile, is in superorder Euarchontoglires which include rodents, lagomorphs, treeshrews, primates, and colugos. Mouse is a rodent. Pika is a lagomorph (mean it's closer to rabbit than mouse)

    As for Carbuncle, the origin of Carbuncle as summon comes from small animal in South American folklore. The chaplain and explorer MartΓ­n del Barco Centenera describes it in La Argentina (1602) as "a smallish animal, with a shining mirror on its head, like a glowing coal". Carbuncle also refers to red gemstone like garnet, which is why it has red gemstone on its forehead.

    Carbuncle can also means a cluster of boils caused by bacterial infection. Don't look it up if you don't want something disgusting

  3. Pvp can be fun but there is a definite meta to it. Darknights are op if their team knows how to follow up. Classes like monk and MCH can be clutch op because their knockbacks can end the game during overtime. I have aoe knocked my entier enemy team out of the objective during overtime a few times and it feels so good to just blue ball them all. Frontline is frustrating to me because it always goes the following way – You are winning earily, 2nd place and 3rd place attacks you pushing you to 3rd, 2nd place keeps attacking you throwing for first, you lose.

  4. With DRG in pvp (and maybe this is wrong) I like to jump in and immediatly hit the defense bubble. People always take the bait and try to hit me hard letting my team (hopefully) come in and hit them while they are still all focus targeting me. At the least it keeps them from all targeting our healer or other dps and sews confusion.

  5. Oh yeaaah incase no one has told you, you can turn down your and others spell effects. It may seem sad, but it really helps vision in PVP and raids. also in Frontline you kinda wanna stick with your raid and watch as they go back and forth for your opportunity to ride their wave into the enemies so you aren't singled out.

  6. I enjoy the PvP in FFXIV for what it is – a good bit of casual fun that delivers on the general class fantasy against other people. Boiling down each class to the absolute bare essentials is really cool and it has this MOBA/Hero shooter vibe to its gameplay. Frontlines are chaotic, but there's a certain rhythm to them, and Crystaline Conflict is short and sweet – even if the game goes badly, it's over in a few minutes. The daily Frontlines is also a great way to level up alt jobs.

    That said, the game's netcode isn't fantastic for serious PvP, there's a lot of weird ability layering where you might think you popped a defensive cooldown, but you actually got everyone's big damage LB's to the face. As such, I don't really bother with the ranked CC – it's just a bit too much to try and reliably perform.


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