Pretty tough one but glad to finally down him! 😸
(I may have develop a phobia of building blocks but probably worth it…)
Intro 0:00
Phase 1 – Titan 0:27
Transition 4:15
Phase 2 – Titan Maximum 4:44
Phase 3 – Both 10:18
Clear 13:24
Gears 14:37
Outro 15:08
Solo Playlist
Character Stats for anyone interested since I didn't realise it was missing when recording
good shit dude! im going to try this with WAR
My guy is a beast right now, ggwp on the win boss👍🏻
Amazing! I don't have DRK quite up yet, would you say this is duo-able with tanks? or are there still gaols as a problem?
DRK best tank
Nice! I’m guessing this is only soloable on DRK atm cause you need Living Shadow, but how tight is the DPS Check? Never ran this fight on savage so I’m unsure how tight the DPS check would be if I wanted to solo this myself
Right, been trying this as a PLD: is there any way other than being a DRK to solo this guy? Stuck on Jails and Fractures, and this dumb mofo has been playing mind games on me.
RNG: the fight. You spend 5+ minutes each try only to get f*cked by the RNG on Fractures since more than half the time this idiot will simply blow the one under you before your living shadow gets you out of the gaol.
Using Living Shadow to break gaol is such a gigabrain IQ technique that i would never think of. Would like to try the fight soon after i hit max on my DRK
Are you playing on PC or PS5?
what is the sword your using?
Absolute madlad
I've just got my clear thanks to this vid and zephys's. I still have some questions tho: why does 2nd Dual Earthen Fists deal way less damage and is surviving massive burst after 2nd goal just rng?
By watching the whole video and now thats a true potential of playing dark knight