Dark Knight Changes | FFXIV Endwalker Media Tou

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49 thoughts on “Dark Knight Changes | FFXIV Endwalker Media Tou”

  1. Enhanced Unmend would be more significant if it completely reset the cooldown for one Plunge charge. Would make it a good combo where you use Unmend while running out of an aoe and then be able to immediately jump back in via the Plunge cooldown reset.

  2. This is a joke, literally ALL other classes got love in this update. The sheer amount of laziness and lack of attention drk got is the same as that of scholar, we got a rip off of our OWN ability in the form of shadowbringer, being a rip off of flood. They might as well have not even updated drk…..drk is the worst tank now….I’ve played this class for the whole of HW SB and SHB..*sighs* I never thought I’d say this but I might stop playing drk, at least this falls in line with lore. But who knows maybe it’ll be changed before release OR maybe it’ll feel better in-game than it seems currently. Either way I’ll still go into this expansion with hope that I’m wrong about everything I’ve said and that drk isn’t in a bad spot compared to the other tanks. If it was up to me I would keep drk ‘s new mitigation ability and keep shadowbringer but have the animation changed so it differs from flood as I feel they both look too similar. I’d also have blood weapon work kind of like delirium, when blood weapon is cast 5 stacks of blood weapon is given. The traits could stay the same for the most part, maybe a little tweak here and there. Salted earth I wouldn’t change, so it stays as an aoe that spawns around you and I’d replace salted earth’s combo action with a combo finisher for the souleater combo just to change things up for drk’s rotation. A trait I’d also add is that if your blackest night shield breaks at lvl 81+ content 2 dark arts buffs would be available and perhaps a small heal potency of abyssal drain. And lastly just one proper self-heal ability to give drk even the smallest bit of self-sustain.

  3. You know what looks really nice about this, that's being lost in all the salt about "not enough"? The fact that all these new things don't use any MP. Shadowbringer is free extra damage on charges, and Oblation is free mitigation on charges. On top of what we can already do with TBN and Flood/Edge of Shadow. It ain't the flashiest, but it's useful I think!

  4. As much as people are crapping on DRK…
    PLD's new 3-hit combo is just a potency buff to the Goring Blade combo with AoE. DRK's Shadowbringer is a brand new OGCD attack that also has AoE.

    PLD got some fantastic self-healing, but they were already the weakest tank defensively.

    DRK is fine.

  5. I would have loved to see a Trait that reduces all MP ability costs to 2500MP, and also enhances Bloodweapon's MP regen.

    Don't stop there, add MP Regen to all abilities, fuck it.
    Let it be the full blown OGCDeez Tank.

  6. alright, time to jump on the paladin bandwagon an expansion late. I stayed with dk for an entire expansion thinking they would address the problems but I guess they just want to give things to the most brain dead tanks so the retards can faceroll though content.

  7. Do….do people think these changes for DRK are good? A shitty unmend plunge thing and…whatever little things it's got? It's not enough that it's easily the worst tank, but instead of getting buffs to anything huge, or some sort of group healing it gets…nothing? Amazing. I'm glad it's being shafted this expac.

  8. The one thing I don't get about Salt and Darkness is that if you can only use the extra potency one time, why not put it at the beginning of salted earth? There's no point having it be a weave when the most damage is done when it's first placed (depending on when enemies die and all that). Why not just upgrade Salted Earth?

  9. Any idea as most of the DRK quests are around your character's mind do you think this will be around everything you did in the first and probably the internal trauma? Like how ur character is taking events like tesleen's death, vauthry, and the fact you almost lost urself to the light?

  10. Oblation should have been a trait that enhanced The Blackest Night with 10% mitigation instead of being another button that we would have to weave. I would've liked to see DRK get some kind of bloodbath skill although I'm aware that overlaps with WAR's Nascent Flash. It feels like DRK got the short end of the stick in regards to new skills in EW and it feels like DRK just slowly has stuff stolen from it every expansion and given to the other tanks.

  11. it really pains me how DRK was changed or lack there of. No self healing, another not needed filler skill, still a warrior clone with no life steal, dps nerfed, and still lacking identity. TBN does not make up for anything and nor should it be the one reason to play a job. Whoever did DRK has a penchant for sick jokes and laziness because thats how it feels. A terrible and lazy joke.

  12. > drk got 0 healing
    > reaper has an aoe regen on its TBN
    Straight up using Malediction on anyone playing drk in 4man dungeons when Im healer are you freaking kidding its a tank with next to 0 sustain!

  13. I really don’t see what everyone is complaining about here. Sure, there’s nothing super flashy like when the simulacrum was first introduced, but the job still seems pretty solid.

  14. We still dont have Blood Weapon fix, our OGCD Carve and Spit is still 60 seconds while other tanks are 30. Every other tank still has AoE version of their Carve and Spit, yet DRK still nothing. Feels bad. Living Weapon is still awful.


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