Cross World Queues, FF16 Collab, More! – FFXIV Dawntrail Fan Fest 2023 Press Interviews

GamerEscape now has a similar article out. This also properly credits all of the question askers and their outlets!

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26 thoughts on “Cross World Queues, FF16 Collab, More! – FFXIV Dawntrail Fan Fest 2023 Press Interviews”

  1. @Mrhappy1227 Thanks for the good work!
    I just wanted to comment about the datacenter regional travel, well I think in the internet people zero to none repercussions for their actions, as long the players can filter regional match ups on Duty finder and PF. I think it would be fine

  2. Cross region DC travel is dumb.

    Regular DC travel already has a significant impact and hurt a lot of existing DC (in NA, all the ones not named Aether).

    I'm tired of people saying "just go to aether" for things like raids, roulette, bozja.

    Having to constantly travel back and forth between DC is not fun. Also, when I'm waiting in pf for a team, having to just sit there and do nothing because I can't access my retainers, gather nodes, chat with my FC, go to my house, go to my island, etc. is a pain.

    People on Aether need to stop pretending DC travel is no big deal. It's a massive pain. Like good for you being on the only DC that does things but there's 3 other DC and we don't want the solution to be "just go to aether"

    With the exception of oceana, why would you even want to go elsewhere? What exactly is the point?

  3. My main worry about the FFXVI cross over is that it could spoil some of FFXVI. I'm not lucky enough to have a PS5 and I probably won't be able to get one by the time the cross over happens. Hopefully my worries won't be a reality.

  4. cross data center travel I don't think is a good idea at all just becuase so many don't respect the other cultures. Players being rude on a different data region would create more work for the people dealing with reports of bad players. in a perfect world, this wouldn't be an issue, however the reality is that is not the case

  5. If they implement cross region the HAVE to also implement cross pf. Otherwise even more servers raiding scene is going to die just like primal and crystal, and everyone will go to aether. It sucks.

  6. I love the Hydaelyn story arc but I hope the new expansions are one shots or maybe a 2 expansion story, it's crazy to think that when I started ARR I was single and studying, and now I'm married and working my ass off, plus this 10 year story makes new people fatigued and they don't even pass the character creation, all my friends wants to join but when they know the have to go through everything they immediately goes "nah bro, I don't have the time for that" and the ones that joins the just skip everything until shadowbringers to realized they have no idea wtf is going on. So I really hope we start getting one, two shot expansion in the future something similar like XI did. 😊

  7. Tbh starting the game from 6.1 is one the most important thing they could do. The amount of hours you have to get through to the endgame if you're not interested in stories is a huge deterrent. A friend of mine (he's a not a big story guy) liked the game but gave up on it because there is just too much to go through at the moment.

  8. I would totally buy the pixel remaster through the mod station to play in game. Although I feel they would have to find a way to let you keep playing them if you aren't subbed at the time

  9. It would be nice if they just allowed BLU to enter Duty Finder. I don't see any reason they can't. If its player's who are running a dungeon for the first time they are worried about, then its basically the same as just creating a party finder. So that reasoning is bad imo. Just let us do it SE.

  10. An anime idea for 14 that would be cool as shit would be to make an anime where 8 people meet up and go through all the raid tiers/trials/ultimates and animate it with actual fights. not 14 style fights but anime style fights with 14 attacks and stuff

  11. @14:20 I mean it SHOULD be expected that people respect others, but I also can't walk into any of the 3 starting cities on Gilgamesh without a bunch of non-Gil players spamming their ERP ads. I'd say I don't know why people feel the need to be so horny and pushy and public with it, but I know exactly why and such behavior is intrinsic to the culture.
    Honestly, if any decent parent saw shout chat for a city for their teenage kid, they'd immediately delete and block this game because of how bad it is.
    And it's funny to consider what a culture clash it is between the uh… people… in the western world and Japan. There's really no benefit to cross-region, the same problematic community fragments of NA and EU just want to do ERP with each other.

  12. The Dragon Quest X collab was terrible and didn't even have any of the characters, it was just a stupid FATE with reskinned enemies and the puff-puff meme. If they can do a Dragon Quest XI collab, make it more significant. X(

  13. I would say the event line for the new trial was fine, but the people managing the play area didn't really seem to care. Some finished the fight and would do it repeatedly just because the people working that section weren't bothering to pay attention.
    The merch? That is completely on the attendees. We were told that there would be limited items at the actual event and it was best to pre-order. I asked some people why they chose not to pre-order and got the same answer every time: to avoid shipping costs. That's fine, but if SE tells people there's not going to be a lot of merch and to pre-order? Then they only have themselves to blame for not getting merch and helping to create the mess of a line.
    The "quests" were kind of a mess. It was difficult to hear the "gleaners" when the event was playing music and panels were going on in the background. It was hard to tell where lines started for the mini-games.
    This was my first FanFest and I think for something this size they should have had the activities in a completely different hall. They either need to increase attendance and rent out more halls or make is smaller again while retaining the same sq ft space. I think they don't want to go full convention mode where people would need different tickets to go to the panels compared to events, but if they do make it larger that would be ideal. There seemed to be a lot of people (like 25% maybe) who cared more about merch and doing various activities than listening to panels or even the Keynote.

  14. I just need cross-region party finder for EU and maybe even US, the JP community can be at ease, I won't bother them, I just hate waiting for players. xD


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