Patch 6.3 is coming and we have to start getting ready for it now. this will focus on crafting and gathering. we will be getting new sets for both jobs completely. start by gthering all materials from folklore books and astronomy tome stones. then start making hq materials from book 10. they should be used in the new recipes. next start hoarding crafting gathering materia. crafters carpenter alchemist have the easiest recipes to farm grade 9’s culinarian for grade 10 with purple scrips. island sanctuary is also a great way to get materia with cowries but only when and if you have upgraded the island fully and have nothing left to blow cowries on. or use green cowries which can take alot of gathering to get one. make sure you have all 8 master recipe books for crafters and all folklore books for gatherers. if you are hitting level 90 grab the scrip set to avoid wasting materia and just meld in open slots only. use a specialist soulstone to get extra stats to make the materials.!/tid=CUSA00572_00
Thanks Zane, as always. That's my weekend sorted, though I'd already started stockpiling materia and scrip items 🙂
So should I stop trying to pentameld the rest of my accessories for crafter?
It takes two days of roulettes to fill up your astronomy. I have been doing this to farm the relic weapons. Just an FYI.
I have pentamelded accessories but just crafted my full pactmaker tools and gear today, should i hold out and not pentameld them?
Zane, I am having a hard time pentamelding and now I see this video. My anxiety just went up lol! I still can’t get my items HQ yet. Love this video. And I keep forgetting my damn sanctuary LOLOL.
How do you successfully pentameld?