Cool Way to Change Jobs & Hide Hotbar in FFXIV

In this video I’ll explain how to set up an awesome macro that lets you change jobs with the /snap emote, as well as a way to hide your job change hotbar off screen for a cleaner UI! Macros: (It’s on pastebin because YouTube doesn’t allow angled brackets in the description)


23 thoughts on “Cool Way to Change Jobs & Hide Hotbar in FFXIV”

  1. If you don't mind the icons being grayed out during certain situation like combat and when another item is used, you can set the icon to the Jobstone for extra flare.

  2. A couple of months before Endwalker came out, I made a similar macro to "summon" minions with the snap emote.
    It's a cute animation, mixing it with a taunt expression kinda makes you feel like Q from Star Trek.

  3. I’ve setup my hot bars with character job icons on hud 4. When I click a job icon to change jobs, it switches back to hud 1 automatically and switches my job so I don’t have to hide the hot bar. It’s pretty sweet

  4. While /gs change 11 works, the macros can be made a bit more futureproof by using /gs change AST for example. That way the macros won't "break" if for some reason you want to re-order your gearsets.

  5. You can actually hide the hotbars using the option and still use the hotkey. I usually do this with things like sprint, mount and LB. No need to drag the hotbar off-screen

  6. Another tip, is you can put the name of the gearset instead of the number, so if you still dont have the class but want to already prepare the macros for every class, you can just save the macro with gearset DRG, so when you get an dark knight you alredy have the macro ready and working


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