Clicking Cookies for Crafting Achievements… Again – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #28

This week we’re diving back into some crafting achievements in Final Fantasy XIV! I want to finish all of the luminary tools before Dawntrail hits, and it was just the grind to work on while editing videos! Sorry guys, I had to put this one together on the quick since I’m on vacation this week. COOL THINGS HAPPENING NEXT WEEK, THO!



26 thoughts on “Clicking Cookies for Crafting Achievements… Again – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #28”

  1. Hearing you talk about the "fake gamer thing". Highly recommend playing Arcade games via emulation as a pallet cleanser. It's something I recommend to everyone and helps a lot.

  2. I think MMOs on the whole have been on a decline for years. Expensive to make and even more expensive to maintain long-term so it's a huge financial risk to spin one up these days. Couple that with the industry's move towards LiVe SeRvIcE games that they can relatively cheaply spin up and cancel a year later after everyone has thrown money at it… and there's not even the revenue motivation to spin up an MMO anymore. Cheaper/profitable to spin something up that's 1/10th the scale/effort and has 100x the predatory monetization.

  3. theres not only MMOs that ppl get attached too… there's those looter-shooters, the card/pokemon type collectors, whatever Genshin is…
    i am truly amazed that FF14 has lasted, and is in such a healthy state today, but I'm not sure for how many years this business model can be sustained by a company that repeatedly reports underperforming products. Time will tell

  4. that is an odd thought. What WOULD Rowena say if the warrior of light just entered her shop, pulled out a portable stovetop and started making food? WOULD she kick them out?

  5. i am the type to play alot of RPGs. then once im done i have games that i play when i have nothing else i want to play. those fallback games usually include 1 MMO (ff14 for me at the moment) 1 team game i play with my brothers and then whatever rogue like im into at the moment

  6. 14:10 I'm currently 4th on lich and to answer your question, I have a irl full time job so it honestly at some point does almost turns into another job if your not careful, its good to have goals but its also good to set aside time for yourself, you can burn out and knowing when to stop for a while is key, this game has something for everyone, but that also means achievement hunters will at some point or another have to do something they don't like, I was around 24k points when I finished eureka not too long ago and you've already done it. Pagos still haunts me.

    If I have one piece of advice, do everything you won't be doing passively, like I never do roulettes now, why should I? I get tomes from hunts, and thats what I currently need.

    However! not just for the sake of time but also leave some of the core achievements last like the dungeons 10k one.
    Your doing them all the time anyway and its good to give yourself a reason to still do core content even at late game.

  7. I would LOVE to see you do some Runescape content, but I wouldn't want it to interfere with your FF14 content. I hope you put the new Runescape like MMO content on the channel when you play it.

  8. Few months ago, I helped a friend in getting the 5000 infused materia achievement by helping gather mats to make a ton of glamour prisms. The reason being that when you put equipment with materia infused into the glamour dresser, it instantly removes all the materia (but destroys it in the process too). So, they got all the 5 slotter equipment from Eureka and would infuse them, drop them in the dresser, then pull it out to infuse again. Was faster than trying to remove it, but more costly.

  9. I have less than 300 mentor roulettes left, and while that's only 1 achievement I am getting more and more energized as I think about how close I am to the end. I imagine that feeling would be similar to getting close to the end of all the achievements.

  10. 17:30 i play a couple of games a lot as well. ff14 being one and guild wars being the other. but i also do keep up with the industry and get games im interested in to play. i got ff7rebirth and have played like 15 hours so far and its been out for 2 months at this point. its a big game and im having fun, just have other shit going on. I tend to gear myself towards more indie games now insted of unsusatainable 3A games.

  11. my goal in ff14 is to reach x level with everything. Currently that is level 70.

    As i get closer, it feels like there are chains on my wrists, ankles and throat preventing me from performing at my best. The loneliness and anxiety of completion takes a toll. However, you have to pull against those chains until they snap but it takes a lot of effort.


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