Hi friends and welcome to my playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn!
FINAL FANTASY XIV PLAYLIST: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7VKs-amSrUInPIOcbMaw16CjSZytcA5
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#FinalFantasyXIV #LetsPlay #Playthrough
♥ Kat
Believe me, if you think ARR is sad… Heavensward will really make you feel it. But it's such a great expansion! I can't wait until you get to that point! But ARR still has tons of content left to enjoy.
Cid! 😍 I think this Cid has one of the best character design of all Cids.
"The great Goobbue wall of Uldah" is this
In 1.0 end the original game before shutting down servers the game masters spawned powerful monsters in front of uldah those monsters invaded the city and attacked civilians so the real players rode on goobbues and formed a line of defense in front of uldah
So it's cool the developers are portraying what the players did as an in game legend.
You can search up pictures about it don't worry about spoilers since it was in 1.0 🙂
4:20 Obligatory "check your current weapon level against the level of the weapon coffer before you use it" comment. That way you don't waste a coffer that you know won't be used for your current class.
4:45 "Shop selling price, almost 6,000" So this is how much it would cost for you to buy it. Below that it says "sells for 56" which is what you would get for selling it. If you are planning to craft a lot, personally would save your gear until you learn how to desynth your stuff. This is when you break down gear into components for crafting. But if you are not going to do that or if you just can not wait, go ahead and sell gear. Unless it is green gear you get from dungeons, turn those into your grand company for seals.
13:50 "I'm just going to be crying today again…" It's ok, this game makes me cry a lot
33:15 I would go for gear that you can use now. Also, fwiw, that gear for tanks that is listed here is another one of those types of gear that does not allow you to equip a head slot item. So I rarely see the gear worn in game.
39:20 These quests were not my favorites. The heretic part dragged for me and going up the astronomy towers over and over got very tedious >_<
43:48 "How do I get down quickly" Climb up 1 flight of stairs and jump off the room. You WILL go to 1 hp, but you recover it quickly. You heard correct, you can not die from fall damage while out of combat.
55:30 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S HIM! IT IS REALLY HIM!!! Haurchefant is one of the best characters, I LOVE him, and I am sure that you will too. =D
Kat, are you psychic? 💖😺
I had no idea Cid's goggles gave so much away lol. I guess that's a common feature of Cids from other games.
The Cid prediction: Impressive!