Checking your DPS in game in FF14 without a DPS meter

Here’s how to unlock Stone, Sky, Sea to check your damage without any third party mods in FF14! Let me know if you have any questions. Here are the unlock quests:

And the DPS calculator:


36 thoughts on “Checking your DPS in game in FF14 without a DPS meter”

  1. I will say Stone Sky Sea has limited use. If you are just barely clearing the striking dummy then you are probably not actually good enough for the fight in question. I say this because you are doing it in a vacuum. The dummy does not move or attack you back. There are no aoes to avoid and nothing to stop you from doing the perfect rotation. In my opinion it is the most useful for practicing your core rotation. You can see from one attempt to the next if your damage has improved or not and you can keep at it. I have seen it many times especially with console players as they have no access to 3rd party utilities at all, they clear the dummy and go into the fight and if they clear then the log gets uploaded and they are the dreaded 9th percentile. They come back with that they cleared the SSS dummy and dont understand why their performance was so bad. Basic point im making is while it has it's uses SSS is only going to give you very limited information. Also if you are looking for good information about your job please look at "The Balance" discord they have a wonderful people over there doing everything from posting BiS lists, rotation guides (some even for specific fights where the normal rotation won't work due to mechanics in the fight) Every job has dedicated channels and mentors who are actually good at said job and will offer up help upon request. They also have LFG for people looking to join a static for raiding.

  2. Why are people so insistent on being so shit on this vid, not all players are on PC and can use addons so an estimate helps a LOT even if it is not reflective of the Exact realtime dps you do on a fight. I find this perfect for practicing rotations and making sure I know what the hell I'm doing with my job before I even attempt any raid. Thank you for the vid.

  3. The only excuse i personally find 100% fine not having ACT is being a console raider. I have raided with people that parsed in the 95%+ without even knowing it. That instantly changed how i perceived console raiders.

    On the other end of the spectrum are the pc raiders who keep asking what their dps is. It's like a gf not ordering food because she's not hungry and proceeds to eat all of your fries.

  4. I can confirm that it is not the most accurate tool but it will get you close enough. Its actually inaccurate in the lower direction clocking me about 1000 dps lower than expected.

  5. While this is rough way to check out your dps and is valid in my opinion, it has few caveats that should be kept in mind:
    * Obviously, this a dummy fight, so your real dps will be lower depending on uptime – or higher, depending on buffs. Timing your own cds with raidbuff window is important in higher endgame content, so you'll be missing that out. It's also good idea to adjust your own cooldown usage so that it benefits most from these buffs.
    * It's strict 3 minutes, so cd usage etc. might be bit constrained in this window. Is less significant if you can beat the timer handily, but it still could either be dps increase/dps loss in actual fights.
    But generally if you beat it, you have your rotation down enough to enter endgame content. I wouldn't use it as an accurate measuring stick by any means. Either way, I wouldn't sweat unless you are joining more performance-orientated statics. At that point I personally recommend installing parser because it is important tool for improving your play. Obviously not an option on console, unfortunately.

  6. All raids are tested by the devs on all classes. The dummies are set there based on the development team standards. Im going to call it like it is, this video is great to all players and the players hating this video or don't understand the concept of the dummies are idiots. (ACT is actually illegal to use) or any third party dps real time. If you are caught using it and harassing's other players with it its a 2 week ban for the first offense. I would say if you don't kill the dummy with less than 10 seconds left you are fine to start savage (You don't have party buffs, raid wides to assist on the dummy). If you can clear the dummy definitely more than ready. Honestly who cares if you parse grey your not going for world clears like some statics and that's all you need.

  7. Why Stone, Sky, Sea is a bad metric to measure dps:
    1) SSS does not account for a job’s RDPS contribution via skills like Battle Voice
    2) SSS is a 3 minute burst window where you adjust your rotation to fit in that period and does not reflect a realistic raid scenario
    3) Different jobs will be in peaks and troughs of their burst windows
    4) Different jobs have different SSS dps requirements
    5) SSS is not accurately tuned for the jobs they are supposed to represent in most cases
    6) 3 minutes is short enough to be able to be affected by lucky DH Crit bursts
    7) Certain jobs gain dps by having additional party members like Dancer/Monk.
    Copied from the Balance Discord

  8. Great video! I’ve been a console gamer since 2.0 release and stone sky sea has been the best thing to come out for us!! If I had an option I would put a dps parser but I don’t. This combined with other uploads from pc party members to fflogs is the best option we have! The dummy is 100% about whether your rotation and gear check is there before entering a fight. Obviously there’s more movement in fights BUT if you’re an experienced end game raider, even with movement you should be able to execute this same rotation flawlessly. As BLM, numbers match the calculator and fflogs most times. So it does help prep you. But good job sharing this. I’ve always had to help people understand this alternative. #Consolegamer

  9. Lets be honest these are Dummies.
    They dont move they dont have mechanics. That said its still a great way to see your dps. My ninja for example makes on the dummy around 19k dps. When i take my parses from fflogs somebody uploaded in the latest nier raid my dps is around 18k to 20k. So if you know the fight its pretty accurate and a great help

  10. This is awesome especially for console players! I knew about the dummies but not about this website, thanks. This will help me understand their endwalker decision, in lowering our stats.

  11. I understand y they don't allow a damage meter in game cuz some people really are terrible at their jobs and it saves on a lot of toxicity, that being said, for people like me who have been used to a damage meter in game for over 13 years in wow, it honestly for some reason makes it less fun to see how I'm doing in a dungeon or raid I'm in at the time, helps me figure out wat I'm doing wrong, the instant I got act working, it was such a drastic change in fun I was having in dungeons n raids lol could just be me

  12. I already loved the stone ,sky, sea that the game provides (imagine if WoW had a in-game tool you could use to instantly know if you were doing your share of damage on a particular boss fight), but the fact someone wrote a calculator for it to determine your approximate numerical DPS is great for those that still want to have more concrete metrics beyond Pass/Fail.

  13. For all the self-righteous ignorant comments saying "This isn't accurate because it doesnt take into account boss mechanics and assumes 100% uptime" blah blah blah. You really don't understand how benchmarks work do you? These quests aren't a test of every metric to see if you can down the boss. It is a benchmark of 1 variable that is important to downing the boss. It's true, high DPS cannot compete with not knowing the boss mechanics. But also, no amount of knowing the boss mechanics can compete with low DPS. These quests are to benchmark DPS, and not DPS towards a boss, but DPS in comparison to the community of people who have showcased what their DPS was when they completed this quest versus their DPS when they downed the boss and with what amount of relative ease. This is information for the player, not information for gatekeeping a raid boss. It is a benchmark of progression and a benchmark of comparison relative to the current raiding landscape.

    Example, if I did 23k dps on this dummy, and 19k dps on a raid boss that I knew the mechanics for, another player could know the mechanics, do 22k on the dummy, and feel pretty confident that they can probably pull off 80% of that damage on the raid boss and judge whether or not thats enough to attempt the boss.

  14. im sry but sitting on a dummy and killing in 2-3mins jsut to assume ur dps is good without actual numbers displayed does'nt not mean u meet thee dps why cause there's movements and dodge mechanics that need to be applied so ya i run ACT and im new to FF XVI from WOW having meters is ESSENICAL to really see if u know how to play u class/job you pick.


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