Cease and Desist (Ultimate)-Billboard Strat | FFXIV

The FFXIV billboard situation is fucking hilarious lmao. Enjoy this meme.
Video created by Veridis Arpegius (Elemental DC-Kujata)
Twitter @VeridisArpegius
#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIVMemes #FFXIVEndwalker
#FFXIVDrama #FinalFantasy14 #NaokiYoshida #YoshiP #SquareEnix


26 thoughts on “Cease and Desist (Ultimate)-Billboard Strat | FFXIV”

  1. I feel like this (initially) is really good free advertising for them game IMO. Unless they were being lewd or something and making the game look bad but it was pretty innocent.

    I guess Square has no idea what people would potentially do considering the crazy mess people do in the game and it could very quickly evolve into “come to Mama cat’s love dungeon!”.

  2. The people who made these billboards used Pride Donations that should have gone to help the LGBTQ+ community for this shit. I get everyone being concerned about the legal part of it, but this part alone is what you should be really upset about. If you donated to their Pride charity, that's where your money went.

  3. Even though I understand the issue, I still wish we could live in a world where I see FF14 billboards and not "criminal lawyer #459" or "steak the size of your head! 100oz! Take the next five exits!".

  4. This is by far the cringiest thing I’ve seen anyone in ffxiv do. It’s such an embarrassment to the community as a whole. My guy should’ve really thought things through. He gets what’s coming to him, if it’s not just a simple slap on the wrist of a ban.


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