Can You Solo FF14? S1 Finale – The Crystal Tower

Massive thanks to @magitek_productions for the final fight scene, @benedictgg for the thumbnail & @Huskybythegeek for allowing me to use his song in the vid.
Solo Playlist
Streams every Thursday / Sunday at Twitch or Youtube :^)
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0:00 Solo Alliance Raids
7:31 Labyrinth of The Ancients
18:41 Syrcus Tower
30:42 World of Darkness
43:58 The Journey Forward

The Horizon by Husky By The Geek:

Really, I’m not sure how I can easily prove to you that I played Final Fantasy 14 solo without using the marketboard or roulettes or parties or retainers outside of uploading the 100 hours of ff14 footage I have, but I’m pretty sure I’m the only one insane enough to care anyway. I mean I showed almost every ff14 craft and gather I did.

Can you play FFXIV solo? Singleplayer FFXIV even? I don’t even know what to call this. I mean it’s definitely not ff14 money making. I might be an Ultimate Legend UWU rdm pov, but I’m not sure how that’s relevant. Maybe this is a FFXIV solo guide? Final Fantasy 14 Warrior solo?


50 thoughts on “Can You Solo FF14? S1 Finale – The Crystal Tower”

  1. So, just a uninformed question here: How have some of the solo's reached this point? If Rath struggled to do some of the content as a tank, how have someone as a healer manged to stay alive/maintain enough dps for some of the trials?

  2. Whistle of The Warrior starts playing

    My old bones have a story for you, about Glasyas Labolas… or however you spell that big buffoon's name. The way he functions is that the bits charge his ultimate. If no one stands in the bits, they charge him instead. The bits can only be targeted to be destroyed by having someone stand in their field, and the field inflict a minor dot. However, if you DPS him quickly enough, the bits disappear and he does his ultimate regardless. In days of yore, you would then reach a point where he would go untargetable and begin charging his ultimate attack. 3 Robots similar to those found in Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 4 would come down at triangulated points on the edge of the arena, near tether generators. These robots had to be held close to the generators such that when they "died" they would tether to the generator, keeping the add dead AND opening the way to the bouncing platforms. This was a tank check and DPS check, as the tank for each party had to hold the robots in the right place, while the DPS had to slowly DPS it until it was in the right spot and then quickly DPS it. Once the platforms were open, you could leap onto them for safety from Glasyas's fully charged raid wide which had this cool burning effect on the center platform. You would hop around killing adds on the platforms until they were all dead, so that you could leap back to Glasyas, the fight would then repeat.

    Back then… in those cross class skills times, if you had an exceptionally undergeared/underskilled/under-engaged alliance, then it was possible to see not just 1… but TWO rounds of platform jumping. But perhaps I misremember…

  3. I was gonna watch the premier this morning but I was so tired. This has been an amazing series. I would love to try this but I tried Hardcore on Wow and just didn't enjoy it. not because it was hard or anything more because people were kinda dicks to me while doing it. I had one person tag a bunch of mobs and lead them to me while I was aoeing, and they killed me.

  4. Been watching ever since you cleared Aurum Vale solo. Your channel has been incredibly fun to watch, and it's made me consider doing solo stuff/other stupid gimmick challenges myself! Hope Heavensward is kind to you on the journey!

  5. My dearest ffxiv buddy and I have taken to duoing older savage and extreme content, and it has been so satisfying to get through those challenges. She was the one who told me of your series, and I just spent the day watching it all. I'm so inspired! Its been awesome to watch so many items/materials/paths used that are basically just overlooked now. I was really impressed with your Chrysalis run, and I smiled the whole way through this CT finale knowing that other solos went through the same trials to get there with you.

    I can't wait to see the rest of your journey! Cheers and congratulations!

  6. Congratulations. you have come so far and finally reached the end. Great decision to take the ironman exception rules because it would have been sad for it just to end due to the crystal tower

  7. glasya's platform mechanic was removed due to issues with how long it took (his raid wide would party wipe if you didnt position certain bits pointing at pads to activate the pad hopping mechanic to dodge the attack) but you couldnt go back right away to fight him as you had to jump the entire circle everyone in the alliance until everyone landed back in the center

  8. 29:50 – A small note on that! The mechanic deals damage equal to your maximum health, and doesn't count shields. Meaning a tank will always die to Ancient Quaga unless a shield gets chucked on them. I used to just chuck up Manaward when I was levelling BLM and never died if I was full hp lmao
    36:40 – If you stand in the very center of the arena (anywhere underneath the Atomos's hitbox), you can avoid being knocked off the ledge by Shockwave. Just be careful with this bc if you move into the center after the spinning discs come out, there's a chance you might be hit by them and have a vuln stack applied to you

    That ending section was amazing btw. Amazing work from the animator!

  9. This, no joke, makes me wish Alliance Raids were ilvl synced. Right now, you can already skip Nald'Thal's balance mechanic in Aglaia. Nier and Ivalice also have mechanics you can skip, but they're still difficult enough that you might see them if too many people die. Crystal Tower and Void Ark bosses at this point are just oversized dungeon bosses. I really wish LotA wasn't just an agonizing 20 minutes of every alliance roulette but instead something even mildly fun to do.

  10. Congratulations, seriously thought that was going to be the end of Solo's journey, but you put in the grind and work, and you got there in the end.
    Very well done, and I'm very excited to see you in Season 2!

  11. lv150 death only kills on multiples of 3 because you're all lv 150 and it takes lv into account and only works on multples of 150.
    that's kinda how it works in other FFs as well, only taking the level of one characters in other games.

    also it's never lv150 in other games, it's usually level 5, witch means it kills everybody whose level is a multiple of 5.

    sorry for pointless explaination.
    twas a great video ^^

  12. I became a member back on either the first or second video and I've never regretted supporting you since. This is truly an amazing series and keep up the great work.

  13. Been watching you for half a year now and you never fail to surprise me with clever solutions for all kinds of problems on your way. I hope Solo going through future expansions will be just as awesome!

  14. It must’ve been insane planning for this, that’s so much dedication from everyone to get this far completely solo!! Definitely the most impressive challenge I’ve seen

    Watching this makes me feel stupid though, I realise I don’t know shit about Crystal Tower mechanics as someone that’s been playing for a couple years now LMAO 😭

  15. As someone who knows nothing about ff14 but really enjoys the ironman gameplay style I've been thoroughly enjoying this series. though I do have a few things to say about how ironman works in runescape.

    Old school RuneScape Ironmen don't technically need to do other content with other irons. However until relatively recently in RuneScape3 group bosses had to be done either solo or in a group with iron, with any boss being viable to kill solo usually done solo because getting drops in your name was important due to no trading. A streamer and youtuber did an rs3 ironman that takes the restriction serious and solos the bosses that are not meant to be done solo and its very interesting. However in old school ever boss besides like 2 can be done completely solo.
    That said I do think you "exception" still fits well within the rules of what the ironman mode suggests because ironmen can raid with anyone, they just have to get the unique drops in their name to actually use them so.

    Can't wait for season 2 of solo ff14


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