Can Blizzard be "REBORN" and Compete Against FFXIV 7.0?

Even more bad news for Activision Blizzard as news about leadership changes, and as players dive into Ian’s latest interview has a lot of World of Warcraft players wondering the fate of WOW 10.0 and the future of Warcraft. Is Blizzard setting up the scene where 10.0 or WoW “Reborn” will go toe to toe with FFXIV 7.0 in 2023?
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29 thoughts on “Can Blizzard be "REBORN" and Compete Against FFXIV 7.0?”

  1. I think the problem is WoW players are just toxic and would rather see Blizzard crash and burn than giving it a second chance. I don't play WoW but i do play Overwatch and hoping Blizzard gets OW2 successfully in 2022.

  2. I'm not sure they can redeem themselves very quickly. FFXIV was able to redeem themselves because they demonstrated that they understood they screwed up royally and worked to regain the trust of their playerbase. They were able to realize their mistakes relatively quickly and it only revolved around the game itself, so they were able to stop and rebuild. Blizzard's mistakes have been ongoing for well over a decade, and run far deeper than a poorly designed game. Blizzard has yet to show they comprehend how much they've messed up, or even that they have messed up big time. That is their first step. It will take a long time to undo the damage enough to consider redemption. As long as they keep on with the same song and dance, nothing will change and the company will become but a memory.

    Blizzard has a long, long road ahead of it if it ever wants to compete in the industry again, not just against a single competitor.

  3. SE isn't God and they have the time the player wanted SE to just crumbles to ground as well or return to Square Soft time. What they did though is owning the principle of 'the one who is in wrong is us, not the Customer' in its appropriate meaning. They realized, they learned, and admitted their mistake and actually apologized. If WoW or Blizzard wanted a chance for revival, they need to do what I wrote before.

    …… but, don't copy the CB4 practice. They're sketchy af. What is CB4? It is the Mobile game division.

  4. Can blizzard be reborn? Yes. I think they need a fresh canvas for WoW with an upgraded engine. The current WoW is too many expansions in to make all the old areas engaging for all players. I do think the current leadership is still resistant to the idea they made poor initial decisions about shadowlands systems. They just acknowledged they should have listened sooner.

  5. They wont be reborn because they don't think the game is broken on a fundamental level and they wont fire the lead devs
    Remember, it wasn't Square or the creators of FFXIV that decided to nuke the game and rebuild it, it was the new director, YoshiP who made that decision

  6. Not as long as they don't want to. Not as long as they refuse to do the things that SE did in order to turn 1.0 around: admit mistakes, admit they were wrong and actually listen to their customers.

    If Yoshi and co. pulled an Ion and said "We hear all of you and your complaints, but we fundamentally disagree with your opinions for the direction of the game.", 2.0 would have never happened at all, much less blew up and allowed for steady growth leading up to Shadowbringers.

    So no, I don't believe they can, because I don't believe they want to. I don't believe they (those at the top, who can actually affect the core of the game) trust the player-base's opinions and desires. You have to want to change. It doesn't just happen.

  7. I don't discard his cold and analytical personality. In order for a game to make a come back when they're in the position blizzard is in is to listen to players and he's stated hes hearing the feed back! He's basically politely said "I hear you, dont care, it's my game and I'm doing it how I want to." This community council garbage is just a safe guard. They'll pick players they know support the content they put out now and won't make any meaningful changes. Ion doesnt deserve the position hes in and someone new and fresh needs to come in. He's proven time and time again they dont care what players think.

  8. The only way Blizzard can turn things around is by doing what FFXIV did, kill the game, hire their own yoshi P and start anew with an awesome dev team. Anything short of that will just be a temporary band-aid.

  9. I’m sorry I know there’s more to it and it’s far more complicated but I don’t like Ian I think it’s quite obvious even if a lot of things weren’t his fault he still steered the ship per se into the iceberg see. I would love to see him gotten rid of just for the principle of showing changes are coming I really have a hard time understanding so many of blizzards crazy decisions. There’s just so much and there was so many seemingly easier ways to do things that would’ve had a much better outcome I could go into detail it would take many paragraphs so I won’t as I do think most of us X players and maybe still players already know. I am definitely in the camp of get rid rid Ian. I do really hope that somehow they come to the conclusion of a reborn type situation. Thanks rant over

  10. Really disagreeing with Chris here on factions.. You can really tell he doesn't delve into the completive aspects of WoW. A casual player probably thinks there is no issue with factions, however getting into M+ keys or mythic raids as Alliance is a nightmare.

  11. Here's the thing. The current team that's in place, the people who have created BfA and SL and all the nightmares that have come with it, would be responsible for this WoW "reborn" or "WoW 2" idea and making it. These are the same people who mutilated the story and lore of WoW, implement terrible system after terrible system, cannot make new PvP content, cannot support any aspects of the game outside of raiding and M+, who have refused to take feedback over the last 3 – 4 years, and are now censoring the word "damsel" because it offends their delicate sensibilities. My question is, do we really trust this group to suddenly turn around and start to produce a quality product again when they have a track record of not being able to? I don't.

    I mean, there is the possibility that all of these issues just stemmed from a few bad apples who had the reigns and shot down every idea that wasn't theirs. I just really don't believe that's the case. There's something systemic at Blizzard that has gone extremely wrong and until the fire in the house has been put out, I don't think I can trust any product they put out.

    So, while I dearly hope they do manage to make a great game, I'll be over with FFXIV and the crew enjoying the great game over there.

  12. If they want real change, they need to remove Ian from his position and I hate to say fire someone from their job but it they want to go in a new direction they need new blood in that leadership role

  13. Blizzard is like being in an abusive relationship. You make excuses for their bad behavior. They promise to change, make a few changes and stick with it long enough for you to think maybe this time. Once they think they have you back, they go right back to their bad behavior again.

  14. Anyone think Hearthstone would be funner/better as $5 a month Sub fee and you get access to all the cards? Tons of ppl playing crazy decks in Wild Ranked. Just like WoW though if Blizzard wants that sweet sweet monthly $5 Sub we need communication and active weekly Reset nerfs/buffs/tweaks.

  15. FF14 UI could use some UI upgrades still. Four billion times better by Default than WoW Default UI, though(math checks out). Love how Raid Boss moves in FF14 don't require an add-on(DBM) to react to or know what's coming/happening.
    I think Genshin Impact player animations are best for showing what ability buttons players are pressing. Prob too flashy for 20 man raids and def 40 man BGs. Maybe tone animations down but the Genshin Impact visuals may be good for WoW.
    Again WoW Default UI is prehistoric 🦕🦖

  16. With the current leadership of Blizzard and the WoW team, I'm not hopeful for any kind of major shifts like doing a ARR type of reboot of WoW. Also, they need to apologize to the playerbase, both current and former for their behavior. Otherwise, I think the playerbase will not trust them at all.

  17. If Square Enix ever behaved like Blizzard has done, I'd walk..Im a loyal FF consumer since my teenage years of playing old FF games. I would find it very difficult to pay a sub to a sub par gaming company.
    When the FFXIV messed up they literally came out on a stage and apologized and started bloody crying ..that's sincere and it showed respect for the players and a passion for their work , the game.
    New world is bang average, it does set the bar graphically (so has a 1001 other Korean MMOs) but it's lightyears away from wow and FF.

  18. I hope Blizzard finds their way again, but that requires that they actually swallow some pride and listen to their customers who love their game.
    On New Worlds, not my cup of tea but I do hope they manages to keep their position and in time grow as they improve the game. We need more mmorpgs and players deserve good games.

  19. They've screwed their demographic far too many times. Personally; for me to come back to WoW; would have to make a game so amazing that it overcomes a disgust, that's been built by a decade of disappointment and aggregation.

    I just don't see it happening.

  20. Watch Mike Preacher react to this “advocacy group” you will understand the negative reaction. Everything they are offering already exists, they just don’t listen to anything that’s said. If they start listening then and only then can turn things around.


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