Buying A House In FFXIV Just Got HARDER ?! | Xeno Reacts to Live Letter 70

Square Enix is introducing a new lottery system for housing in Final Fantasy XIV but Xeno thinks it might be even worse than the current one… if that is even possible KEKW. In this video Xeno also reacts to the new Alliance Raid Myths of the Realm and the new Extreme Trial.

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28 thoughts on “Buying A House In FFXIV Just Got HARDER ?! | Xeno Reacts to Live Letter 70”

  1. This is 100% worse and I honestly believe this is them giving a giant 🖕 to the housing community.
    All they had to do was prevent more than 2 characters PER ACCOUNT to buy plots. And problem would’ve been solved. This BS RNG system is just toxic absolute 🖕 straight from them.

  2. They should do something about the entire ward being owned by one person. Super easy to proof like they don't even try to hide it. "FCName1, FCName2, FCName3…" That way more plots open for other people too.

  3. As someone who has wasted countless days just camping plots sitting there clicking for hours, I feel like this system is way better than the current one, that way I can actually use the time I got to play doing useful stuff, if you have camped at least one plot you know how sad it is so see how you just spent hours doing nothing but clicking just to get nothing at the end.

  4. Housing in Wards Pros: You have neighbors. You are physically contributing to the world.
    Housing in Wards Cons: Limited by design, no matter what. A black market will exist for what little plots exist. Then SE will kill the black market in favor of a lottery. No matter what, 99% of players will not own a house.

    Instanced Housing Pros: Everyone can buy a house. Literally no limits on how many houses can exist, except for server instance resources, which while can and have been stressed, is a perfectly acceptable limit that only happens in peak hours of overpopulation (so like, expansion month and patch release weeks.)
    Instanced Housing Cons: "Oh no, I don't have neighbors and don't contribute to a world, my immersion is ruined qq, if only we could have neighbors so no one could have a house boo hoo!"

  5. I like the lottery idea more. I don’t care to sit around and try to beat a bot at a sign for 24hrs. You can’t enter multiple lotteries at the same time with the same character so ideally there will be less people per plot. And you don’t lose the money if you lose.

  6. I think the solution shouldn't be a lotto system, i think the solution should be to just be able to get one. I played Lost Ark for 200 hours til i decided to leave the game in t3. One of the things I enjoyed most, was that getting a plot was granted but to make it a nice looking one, you had to invest. I would like a system where the challenge isn't to get a house, becaues if you have to ffxiv system, houses are exclusive to the ones who invest a big amount of time. This exclusivity takes a lot of fun from the player experience you have as a player who doesn't want to either gamble your way to a house or click a button for hours. I don't mind if people can see the outside of my house, i just want one to enjoy my time decorating it. If Lost Ark can do it, why can't FFXIV? I know there could be problems form the coding side so if that's the problem, i could also wait another 2 updates, but I just wish to have a non-exclusive housing system like a lot of other MMOs have.
    But I appreciate the lottery system as a nonfinal solution to just take "housegrinding" out of the game.

    (Sorry for my english, as you may realise, im no native speaker)

  7. While lottery system isnt perfect, I feel like its still something better than what we have.

    As things are, people with tight schedules who dont play the game for whole day have 0 chance of getting a house. People with jobs, families: no matter how much gil they amass, if they play for sth like 1-2h a day, theyd have to be insanely lucky to have a plot just open in those hours and not be instantly grabbed by campers/bots.

    Reloc was also kinda bs from campers perspective.

    Getting a house was much easier before the playerbase boom, now its borderline impossible with the system we have. The lottery, while rng, at least gives everyone a fair chance.

  8. Having to click to buy a house for hours was shit. But the lottery is worse.
    There will be less than 40 lottery cycles per year, and you can only bet on one house per cycle. People will need to choose between a good place with shit chances or higher chance in a less desirable plot for the launch of the new district.
    Also after the first round is done, it's over, all the houses will be sold, so no second chances there.
    And I remember seeing in a housing discord about the time it will take in average for any given player to get a small house considering the rate in which plots become available during normal times when demolition is enabled. It was something like 180 days considering 20 people competing for the plot. If we're talking 50 people per plot, the number up to 450 days.

  9. Just trash the whole system and make it fully instanced. I got a small on day 1 of Shirogane, I'm always there whenever I'm crafting or just waiting for PFs to fill up and I think I've only ever seen one other player once.

  10. Wouldn't it be cool if we got a non-linear alliance raid where you can just go in any order you want?


    On second thought nvm. That would only work if it wasn't something you que up for in doody finder….

  11. I gotten VERY lucky to get a small home next by the pool area in The Goblet the previous Housing Expansion update.

    I'm hoping I can upgrade to a Medium house in a particular Plot in Ishgard.

  12. lol I like the glam from the alliance raid. If only because it reminds me of the 12 gold saints from saint seiya (gold armor, white cape). The only arc I watched from that anime

  13. honestly, they should split housing to its own server at this point and make it a solo instance similar to runescape and make the housing wards fc only, dedicate maybe 1 solo server per realm, and optimize that to allow for everyone to be able to have one, while just giving performance a hit to allow the space. given I do not know how they have it setup, but since we have cross-world, soon to be cross-server. I see no reason why they can't do the same thing with housing. even if they dont solo instance it, you could expand the plots a lot more if not separate fc/player plot wards.

  14. "100% worse than what we already have". Well that's an opinion/hot take that is hard to comprehend. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but what really makes you think this is far worse than the current iteration of housing? We have limited space that they cannot go further for their own reasons and attributing whether you get it to luck is the most fairest way to distribute limited resources to a large number of people. What would be the solution if we don't provide enough space for everyone? Seniority? Social Credit?

  15. Dunno why he's saying that the lottery system sucks because you're letting RNG decide which players get the lots. The current system has you clicking on a lot within a time window where purchasing becomes available at a random point in time. No one knows what time that is so everyone ends up clicking on the placard for hours on end hoping they get lucky that they click on it at the right time. That's basically RNG on top of RNG already. The lottery system just eliminates the need for manual labor.

    Yes, it does eliminate second chances in getting a lot since this all happens at once and afaik you can only apply for a lot once per cycle. But if you ask me your chances of trying for a second lot in the current system and getting it is also pretty slim. If we take into account your morale you're most likely close to giving up at that point anyway.

  16. In some ways the lottery is better and in others its worse. One pro is not having to sit at the placard for hours on end clicking and hoping you get the lucky click, the bad thing about it is, there will be some people that will never get a house, ever. Because they simply cannot roll the lucky number for a plot, and that's just for a small, imagine how hard a medium or large will be with this lottery system. Don't get me wrong, its still really hard to get those plots now, it will be just as hard with the lottery system and will frustrate people because they can't roll that lucky number. The only true solution to this is to guarantee everyone a house by increasing the amount of wards and plots there are, but that won't happen because the amount of server space it would take would be ridiculous. I understand why Wow never did player housing because having to deal with this is time consuming. People just need to know, they won't be guaranteed a house no matter what, whether you have the click system, or the lottery system, you just have to get lucky. And this is coming from someone still stuck at an apartment. I'm gonna try to get a house when Ishgard comes, but I've accepted that if I don't get it then, I'll probably never get one. Especially since I'll be going for a medium.
    I wish everyone the best of luck with getting a house, but heed my words and don't get your hopes up for getting a plot and for this to be better then the clicking system. It will be the same amount of rng bullshit, the difference is, you just don't have to sit at the placard for hours now.

  17. Lottery is fine but 4 days cycle is a fucking joke.
    Why can't they let houses cycle faster? Daily or every two days would be so much better.
    But with 4 days cycle every random working mom who plays the game once a week will be able to randomly get a house, while people who spend their lives in the game get nothing because of rng


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