But I used Manaward! #finalfantasy14 #ffxiv #ffxivmemes #ff14memes #finalfantasyxiv #finalfantasy

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22 thoughts on “But I used Manaward! #finalfantasy14 #ffxiv #ffxivmemes #ff14memes #finalfantasyxiv #finalfantasy”

  1. Do BLM not remember that even if they manaward the hit, they still get a vuln stack, and what comes next is a raid wide that end up killing them anyways? Which brings their dps to 0?

  2. Just let them die, as hydaelyn intended. They had the zoomie spell if they wanted to use it. I have rescue on my bar for one reason only. Trolling my sister when she tanks for me. 😂 Randos can live with their choices.

  3. I just boost up my spell, and shield the hell out of them as a sage and, hope for the best. Sure i'm enabling them, but imagine if they survive (sometimes they do), that makes a great memory.


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