Do BLM not remember that even if they manaward the hit, they still get a vuln stack, and what comes next is a raid wide that end up killing them anyways? Which brings their dps to 0?
Just let them die, as hydaelyn intended. They had the zoomie spell if they wanted to use it. I have rescue on my bar for one reason only. Trolling my sister when she tanks for me. Randos can live with their choices.
I just assume 3 things: Noob, Manaward or they know it won't kill them and I won't be too upset having to heal them. In any of those cases I don't use it.
I just boost up my spell, and shield the hell out of them as a sage and, hope for the best. Sure i'm enabling them, but imagine if they survive (sometimes they do), that makes a great memory.
Me even thinking about saving a blm is at the very bottom of my list of things to do. Above it, is go afk for a few hours or just jumping over every other tile in a city
I know not to touch black mages unless its to zoe and Eukrasan Diagnosis
Do BLM not remember that even if they manaward the hit, they still get a vuln stack, and what comes next is a raid wide that end up killing them anyways? Which brings their dps to 0?
You know whats worse than losing a bit of uptime… a damage down.
Just let them die, as hydaelyn intended. They had the zoomie spell if they wanted to use it. I have rescue on my bar for one reason only. Trolling my sister when she tanks for me.
Randos can live with their choices.
Lemme just… Between the Lines peace signs back into the aoe
Or Surecast before you suspect a rescue is coming
Yeah…that rescue pull feels always very personal even when you don't play as BLM
I just assume 3 things: Noob, Manaward or they know it won't kill them and I won't be too upset having to heal them. In any of those cases I don't use it.
I just boost up my spell, and shield the hell out of them as a sage and, hope for the best. Sure i'm enabling them, but imagine if they survive (sometimes they do), that makes a great memory.
I'm a bad healer, I don't Rescue anyone from anything, either get out or get wrecked. You picked where you stand, I pick when I rez you.
As a sage I've given up trying with them. I just gove them a shield and pray they survive
“If it dosnt kill me or give me a damage down, don’t fucking rescue me”
Right!!! I be standing in those layline for some extra dps. Leave those black mage flowers be please.
As long as i'm not dead, i do not care if i get sucked out of my circle for my safety
As healer…I let them take the damage or die. I can rez just as easily as rescue. XD
The moment you can sense the rescue coming and instead surecast just before
Me even thinking about saving a blm is at the very bottom of my list of things to do. Above it, is go afk for a few hours or just jumping over every other tile in a city
Thats why I do it
It's funny, because if this were 2.0, manaward would just straight up nullify any damage.
A good blackmage places the leylines in a way uou dont need to be reacued, therfore, skillissue
Who tf said "rescued" from their LL? Clearly not a BLM main cuz any pull away from LL is a death sentence. Dying in LL brings honor!
Bro as a BLM im custom to pull insane comeback on a raid its pure tension but if u mis one step ur a gonner