“Leviathan! Leviathan!”
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#FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIV #Shadowbringers
1:56 somebody seems to have left in a bit of Under The Weight 😛
LEVIATHAN LEVIATHAN,seriously tho this fight slapped
"This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!"
fun fact: the cymbals in blinding indigo were suppose to sounds like waves bashing against the shore.
seeing the twin towers fall, leviathan leviathan
This is footage of the Savage version on Inundation?
Same drum rhythm as Stone Cold and Black Tar, just faster
would have been epic to see this guy attempt to create a Flood of Darkness
so…why does this guy have two heads?
“Too stubborn to accept your fate, too blind to see that you are doomed!” That’s a great villain quote.
I adore this song and the fight was my favorite of that savage tier. My raid leader would yell at me because sometimes I’d start humming it without realizing.
I'm not the only one having some Open your heart vibes right?
why i keep hearing fire truck when the lyric is leviathan..
I wonder how many times Emet-Selch's spirit wanted to slap the WoL everytime he screwed up a recreation of the Source's primals.
"My god, how could you screw up simple creation magicks such as this to such an extent!?"