BIG! FFXIV's Next Update Detailed, And It Had A Surprise!

Omega! I didn’t think we’d get a follow up, so that’s awesome! Today we go through the latest Live Letter, detail what’s coming, and discus the Patch cycle & content cadence of Final Fantasy 14.

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29 thoughts on “BIG! FFXIV's Next Update Detailed, And It Had A Surprise!”

  1. The transparency from the devs on upcoming patch content and cycles plus the fact that you can take breaks in FFXIV without really having to play catch up, has allowed me to plan my time around releases like God of War, Lost Ark, and Elden Ring and it’s been fantastic. I have been able to take breaks to avoid burnout and am planning a big Gil grind soon because I know that Ishgard housing is coming in mid April. FFXIV is just an mmo you can play while mixing in other games or focusing on real life things, but you can also no-life it if you want. It just feels good to be a fan of the game

  2. "Sure, a WoW major content patch is larger than an FF one", this is only true if all you care about are the hardcore raids, in terms of overall content it's the complete opposite, XIV's patches dwarf WoW's.

  3. 2:00 — If Louisoix wouldve summoned (!!!) the Twelve it would've been your usual Primal summoning, tempering everyone. And Louisoix wasnt foolish enough to do that.

    In WoW there wasnt really a plan to look foreward to. In Legion or so, they had quite a strikt plan for their patches but already in BfA they plan got holes. Then Shadowlands gets announced, Covid arrived and stayed for two years, and schedules got overthrown. FF14, too, suffered from the pandemic, but despite of it, they kept the schedule going – with only minor delays, and yes, they couldnt release as much as they would've liked. WoW with Shadowlands had some serious content drought, and we are all (well, mostly) convinced that a chunk of content was scraped for the sake of 10.0. I dont know the entire patch history of FF14, but they release their patches more frequently and share parts of their schedule with us – to the point that they make themselves vulnerable: after all, what if something goes wrong and they have to delay? They couldnt say, it was all planed that way, because we would know it wasnt. WoW doesnt share anything really with their community, probably out of fear for getting called out if things dont go according to plan. That might make planning a little easier, but it doesnt help gaining trust.

  4. I really disagree with the ending. After the x.0 patch AKA start of the expansion. You hit a massive amount of drought. As the X.1 – X.5 offers so little content. The game is tailored to the extreme content players. We do not even get a raid setting between story and extreme like WoW does. Even dungeons hard mode are walk in the parks. As they tend to be set for story. Yes I know you can do the normal raids and dungeons but once you got the gear. Then what? The story is over. The dungeons/raids are pointless. Unless you plan to go extreme raiding and take FF14 as a second job. Then what content is there.

    Sure now we are getting something intresting with the island thing. Though how long will that last.

  5. Seems MMO’s are the closest I can get to an open world experience just going around healing and supporting random people, but I’ve been on break since the story ended. I’ve tried Elden Ring, finally opened AC Valhalla after owning it over a year. I’m a little bored with gaming overall. If I could cross Elden Ring, an Elder Scrolls game, and an MMO party system to progress together; I’d probably be completely set. Until someone makes one, I’ll just login to 14 once or twice every two weeks and see what’s going on.

  6. I can't honestly call repeated structured dungeons, trails, crafting, potency increases, new content. I like 14 for the FF style story, and simplicity, but 10 more years of this same stuff doesn't have a solid grasp on my 15usd p/m.

  7. I love FFXIV but over time I have grown bored of the game. Yes, the game is very good. I love the story, the characters, and the setting. It's all really good stuff. But it's also a dogshit MMO at the end of the day. You're barely forced to interact with anyone, and generally suffers from all of the community problems modern WoW does. The stark difference is people in FFXIV are a whole lot nicer.

    The Jobs I find have become so homogenized and boring to play. Every DPS basically boils down to damage dispensers. Everything they can do boils down to PARSE PARSE PARSE. They lack any other utility besides this(Even the buffs/enhancements they give to other raid members just let them parse better.). There is no need for utility, player expression, or thoughtful use of game mechanics. You just press the correct buttons and perform the mechanics of the boss to get your clear or lining up your stacking 10% damage buffs/personal buffs/potions in order to get a super duper fast clear/orange parse. You aren't rewarded for out of the box thinking. Say what you want about WoW, but hunters have traps, pets can off tank adds, several tools to kite enemies, ect. Classes in WoW don't have a rotation, they have a tool kit. A sandbox to play around with, giving them unique ways to interact with the world. Like imagine if you will if Black Mage's Leylines effected every one's cast speed, including paladins. you would see strategies where healers would stand in the leylines to complete difficult heal checks, and imagine if other players could use the reaper's little portal to move around. This is what WoW does to much greater degrees than Final Fantasy.

    Healers are another matter entirely. Each healer shares basically the same kit, with a different flavor. I will say that healing in FFXIV is a lot more fun than it is in WoW, and I know very little about it in modern or classic. But the design for healers in FFXIV is subpar, in my opinion. They all play VERY similar to each other in the moments between healing, and Scholars and Astrologians basically run the game now. There is no reason to bring a white mage or a sage to anything, because most of their utility has been stripped away, and Sage is just a much shittier scholar.

    Speaking of the world. It is a great place, with a great story to tell, but there is absolutely fuck all to do in it. Besides Gathering, treasure maps, sidequests, and hunts there is literally fuck all to do in the open world. You have the occasional super FATE that has unique rewards, but once you get those rewards you have no reason to come back. WoW has all of this kind of content, plus world PVP, world quests with rewards tied to reps and once you cap those out are a decent source of gold. You have the little invasion events that pop up from time to time, that offer increased rewards in addition to crafting and gathering, chest hunting, and rare spawns.

    FFXIV's patch cycle is consistent, but it's also predictable. You know exactly what you're getting 80% of the time. They do very little experimentation, and generally offer a similar experience from patch to patch. You know there is going to be a raid tier or an alliance raid in each patch. You know there will be more MSQ, you know there will be more of the same stuff we've been getting since 2.1. Occasionally they will throw us a bone with something like Palace of the Dead, Bojza, and Island Sanctuary.

    I'm not saying this to shit on FFXIV. I love the game. I play the game. But it's not even close to perfect. I could literally go on and on for hours about the issues the game has. I'm just saying WoW does the MMO part significantly better in my opinion. They have been missing more than hitting lately on that front. WoW alltogether is the game I would prefer to play. Because its world actually feels fun to play around in. Final Fantasy is borderline sterile in comparison.

  8. Hey my friend, I imagine you already know it but, whenever you do a certain content and you walk into the MSQ, some special dialogues will be unlocked, for instance, if you're a DRG and come into heavensward, Estinien will mention how you're an azure dragoon as well, and in certain other dialogues will only appear if you've done Eureka, Bozja and other optional content. I highly do recommend you keep that string of side content you've been doing. Have a blast!

  9. One thing to keep in mind is this is an odd number patch, so its meant as a catch up patch, so the scale is more focused on casual content, we are getting an ultimate, but no item level increase or savage raids to really get stuck into, unlike the even number patches (although the weapon from the ultimate will just barely be BIS by having the same stats as the current weapons, but one more materia slot.)

  10. When Shadowbringers was announced, my mates thought you will have a clash with Hydaelyn in a grand battle equal elements out.
    We had a guess that She would come with the 12 (somewhat like the Knights of the Round) that would act as a 24-man where depending your selected character-creator Guardian you'd have a different story and variant of mechanics (similar to the DPS / Healer / Tank symbol spots in certain fights, or where you have to clear your own mini section before returning to the main group).

    Really looking forward to it.

  11. Personally I am giving GW2 a new shot after years of neglecting it and I am having fun.
    When there is a bit more out in FFXIV I will check back in and binge the MSQ and new stuff.
    And I just love how the devs encourage that instead of trying to jebait me into logging in daily just because.

  12. So glad people are excited about 6.1. In general 0.1 patches are pretty tame with a lot of QOL stuff that gets the ball rolling on the expansion but seeing people really enjoy these changes, come back from a little break of the game or just better prepare what they wanna do in general is heart warming


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